1,000 Banks to Fail In Next Two Years: Bank CEO - Private Equity and Hedge Funds * US * News * Story - CNBC.com [http://www.cnbc.com/id/32581463] - 2009-08-28 22:57:23 - public:time bank, crisis, economy, eta, fail, financial - 6 | id:3611 -
IBM Takes First 3D Image of Atomic Bonds - Quantum Computing - Gizmodo [http://gizmodo.com/5346964/ibm-takes-first-3d-image-of-molecule-atomic-bonds-using-crazy+powerful-microscope#comments] - 2009-08-28 19:18:39 - public:time articles, microscope, molecule, physics, picture, science - 6 | id:3612 -
Educating mind and body I: Body affects memory | Psychology Today [http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/200908/educating-mind-and-body-i-body-affects-memory] - 2009-08-28 18:09:34 - public:time brain, hacks, learning, memory, mind, psychology - 6 | id:3613 -
Pitchfork: Articles: The Social History of the MP3 [http://pitchfork.com/features/articles/7689-the-social-history-of-the-mp3/] - 2009-08-24 23:27:40 - public:time audio, culture, history, mp3, music, toread - 6 | id:3614 -
Chycho.com - Analysis and discussion about the world we live in. [http://www.chycho.com/?q=chycho_economics_2008_chycho2009] - 2009-08-24 23:06:34 - public:time crisis, economy, eta, financial - 4 | id:3615 -
America Is Running Out Of Rope - The Market Ticker [http://market-ticker.org/archives/1364-America-Is-Running-Out-Of-Rope.html] - 2009-08-24 23:06:00 - public:time crisis, economy, eta - 3 | id:3616 -
The Banking Crisis Cometh [http://dailyreckoning.com/the-banking-crisis-cometh/] - 2009-08-24 23:05:26 - public:time banking, crisis, eta, finance - 4 | id:3617 -
FlightCaster [http://www.flightcaster.com/] - 2009-08-24 20:49:15 - public:time airline, airlines, analytics, aviation, DataMining, flight, flights, prediction, reference, schedule, travel, web - 12 | id:3618 -
Magnetism, Radiation, and Relativity [http://physics.weber.edu/schroeder/mrr/MRRtalk.html] - 2009-08-24 20:16:04 - public:time cool, electromagnetism, magnetism, math, physics, radiation, relativity, science, teaching - 9 | id:3619 -
The Millions [http://www.themillions.com/] - 2009-08-21 18:45:49 - public:time blog, books, literature, reading, recommendations, reviews, writing - 7 | id:3620 -
Super User [http://superuser.com/] - 2009-08-21 18:45:28 - public:time community, forum, howto, questions, stackoverflow, superuser - 6 | id:3621 -
Positive Psychology Center Online Research Program - University of Pennsylvania [http://www.ppresearch.sas.upenn.edu/] - 2009-08-20 01:05:12 - public:time cognition, happiness, psychology, research - 4 | id:3622 -
The truth about grit - The Boston Globe [http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2009/08/02/the_truth_about_grit/?page=full] - 2009-08-20 00:40:49 - public:time business, children, education, grit, intelligence, productivity, psychology, science - 8 | id:3623 -
The FDIC Is Broke. Now What? (Part I) -- Seeking Alpha [http://seekingalpha.com/article/156899-the-fdic-is-broke-now-what-part-i] - 2009-08-19 21:04:34 - public:time crash, crisis, eta, Financial - 4 | id:3624 -
Hacking SenseWear / GoWearFit / BodyBugg [http://bodybugglinux.blogspot.com/2009/07/body-media-reverse-engineering.html] - 2009-08-19 19:01:19 - public:time bodybugg, hacks - 2 | id:3625 -
Hacking SenseWear / GoWearFit / BodyBugg: Sample Data [http://bodybugglinux.blogspot.com/2009/07/sample-data.html] - 2009-08-19 18:52:19 - public:time bodybugg, hacks, linux - 3 | id:3626 -
BodyBugg Hacks [http://bodybugghacks.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-06%3A00&updated-max=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-06%3A00&max-results=1] - 2009-08-19 18:48:35 - public:time bodybugg, hacks - 2 | id:3627 -
The Management Myth | Matthew Stewart [http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/print/200606/stewart-business] - 2009-08-19 02:24:13 - public:time business, consulting, education, history, management, mba, ph, philosophy, theory - 9 | id:3628 - The Atlantic Online | June 2006 |
Positive Psychology: The Scientific Study Of Well-Being | The Emotion Machine [http://www.theemotionmachine.com/?p=1497] - 2009-08-17 05:35:36 - public:time emotion, psychology - 2 | id:3629 -
Questions for Bodybugg users - JP Fitness Forums [http://forums.jpfitness.com/training-discussion/33009-questions-bodybugg-users.html] - 2009-08-17 04:39:21 - public:time bodybugg, fitness, forums - 3 | id:3630 - bodyrecomposition.com
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: As of Friday August 14, 2009, FDIC is Bankrupt [http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2009/08/as-of-friday-august-14-2009-fdic-is.html] - 2009-08-16 06:02:51 - public:time eta, FDIC, Financial - 3 | id:3631 -
Entering the Greatest Depression in History [http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=MAR20090807&articleId=14680] - 2009-08-09 06:29:59 - public:time depression, eta, Financial - 3 | id:3632 -
Display shows an error code - Top-load washer [http://maytag.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2874/kw/display%20code%20f1/r_id/108284] - 2009-08-07 18:26:29 - public:time maytag, troubleshooting - 2 | id:3633 -
Appliance Parts From PartSelect | Repair Parts For Major Appliances [http://www.partselect.com/default.aspx] - 2009-08-07 18:02:46 - public:time appliance, parts, repair - 3 | id:3634 -
How is America going to end? Slate's "Choose Your Own Apocalypse" lets you map out the death of the United States. - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine [http://www.slate.com/id/2223285/sidebar/2223286/] - 2009-08-05 03:14:33 - public:time collapse, crisis, eta - 3 | id:3635 -
Does USA 2009 = Argentina 2001? Part I: Falling economy reaches terminal velocity - Eric Janszen - iTulip.com [http://www.itulip.com/forums/showthread.php?p=106493#post106493] - 2009-08-05 03:14:21 - public:time crisis, economics, economy, eta, financial - 5 | id:3636 -
Casaubon’s Book » Blog Archive » Permaculture Future?: Part I [http://sharonastyk.com/2009/06/29/permaculture-future-questions-perhaps-worth-asking-part-i/] - 2009-08-05 03:14:21 - public:time eta, permaculture, survival - 3 | id:3637 - Permaculture Future?: Part I Sharon June 29th, 2009
How To Hack Your Brain, Part 1: Sleep | Dustin Curtis [http://dustincurtis.com/sleep.html] - 2009-08-05 03:14:21 - public:time brain, hacks, polyphasic, schedule, sleep - 5 | id:3638 -
Cargo Bridge | Armor Games [http://armorgames.com/play/3999/cargo-bridge] - 2009-08-05 03:14:21 - public:time games - 1 | id:3639 -
25 Plants You Should Consider Growing [http://sharonastyk.com/2009/02/10/20-plants-you-should-consider-growing/] - 2009-08-05 03:14:20 - public:time crops, eta, gardening, survival - 4 | id:3642 -
The Great Depression - Hans F. Sennholz - Mises Institute [http://mises.org/story/3515] - 2009-08-05 03:14:20 - public:time crisis, depression, economy, eta - 4 | id:3643 -
Color illusion 12 [http://www.psy.ritsumei.ac.jp/~akitaoka/color12e.html] - 2009-08-05 03:14:20 - public:time illusions - 1 | id:3641 -
The blue and the green | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine [http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2009/06/24/the-blue-and-the-green/] - 2009-08-05 03:14:20 - public:time illusions - 1 | id:3644 -
The Simple Dollar » Making and Maintaining a Master Information Document [http://www.thesimpledollar.com/2008/05/03/making-and-maintaining-a-master-information-document/] - 2009-08-05 03:14:20 - public:time documents, finance, records - 3 | id:3640 -
Cost Of Bailout Hits A Whopping $24 Trillion Dollars [http://www.prisonplanet.com/cost-of-bailout-hits-a-whopping-24-trillion-dollars.html] - 2009-07-24 16:34:11 - public:time debt, eta, finance - 3 | id:3645 -
Remembering Apollo 11 - The Big Picture - Boston.com [http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/07/remembering_apollo_11.html] - 2009-07-22 10:55:31 - public:time 1969, history, moon, nasa, photos, science, space - 7 | id:3646 -
Google Moon [http://www.google.com/moon/] - 2009-07-22 10:54:42 - public:time google, moon, science - 3 | id:3647 -
Zip Content of Amiga hardware reference guide [http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/3327/ZipFileList.aspx] - 2009-07-21 01:52:18 - public:time Amiga, hardware, manual, reference - 4 | id:3648 -
Amiga Documents [http://project64.c64.org/hw/amiga.htm] - 2009-07-21 01:48:54 - public:time Amiga, documentation, manuals, schematics, service - 5 | id:3649 -
Amiga Forever - Home of Amiga Emulation, Games, History and Support Since 1997 [http://www.amigaforever.com/] - 2009-07-21 01:35:15 - public:time Amiga, commodore, emulator, emulators, gaming, nostalgia, reference, retro, software, UAE - 10 | id:3650 -
The calorie delusion: Why food labels are wrong - health - 15 July 2009 - New Scientist [http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20327171.200-the-calorie-delusion-why-food-labels-are-wrong.html?full=true] - 2009-07-16 12:22:06 - public:time food, health, nutrition - 3 | id:3651 -
New York City Attractions Pass: Things to Do in New York from Smart Destinations [http://www.smartdestinations.com/new-york-attractions-and-tours/_d_Nyc-p1.html] - 2009-07-14 04:15:40 - public:time netrip - 1 | id:3652 -
Central Parking System New York | New York Parking, NYC Parking, Parking New York City [http://www.centralparking.com/] - 2009-07-14 04:07:09 - public:time netrip - 1 | id:3653 -
Parking Lots Midtown West in New York City - Citidex New York City [http://www.citidex.com/6073.htm#C6073] - 2009-07-14 04:04:24 - public:time netrip - 1 | id:3654 -
Ramsey, NJ to 400 E Fordham Rd, New York, NY 10458 - Google Maps [http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=ferries&near=Staten+Island,+New+York&ll=40.641035,-74.075818&iwstate1=dir:to&iwloc=A&f=d&daddr=1+Bay+St,+Staten+Island,+NY+10301?322,226] - 2009-07-14 03:26:55 - public:time 24hrfit, netrip - 2 | id:3655 -
Staten Island Ferry Schedules [http://www.siferry.com/SIFerry_Schedules.aspx] - 2009-07-14 03:20:06 - public:time netrip - 1 | id:3656 -
Funniest Things You've Ever Found on the Internet : funny [http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/90f0t/funniest_things_youve_ever_found_on_the_internet/] - 2009-07-14 03:15:47 - public:time funny, humor, toread - 3 | id:3657 -
wheredidthemoneygo.jpg (JPEG Image, 1300x993 pixels) - Scaled (68%) [http://www.visualeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/wheredidthemoneygo.jpg] - 2009-07-14 01:24:28 - public:time chart, economics, filetype:jpg, financial, media:image, money, spending, statistics - 8 | id:3658 -
Fun with a webcam [http://www.raphnet.net/divers/webcam/webcam_en.php] - 2009-07-14 01:23:44 - public:time camera, electronics, hack, ideas, make, projects, reference, video - 8 | id:3659 -
Handy approximation for square roots « The Dead Frog [http://thedeadfrog.wordpress.com/2009/06/23/handy-approximation-for-square-roots/] - 2009-07-14 01:21:19 - public:time math, mental, science, tricks - 4 | id:3660 -