Encrypt and check your secrets into git - DEV Community [https://dev.to/davidk01/encrypt-and-check-your-secrets-into-git] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278476 -
Importance of Writing Clean Code - DEV Community [https://dev.to/mohitrajput987/importance-of-writing-clean-code] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278477 -
Hashing Out Hash Functions - DEV Community [https://dev.to/vaidehijoshi/hashing-out-hash-functions] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278478 -
Is a Good Under $200 Gaming PC Build Possible in 2018? [http://www.toptengamer.com/best-200-gaming-build/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278479 -
No bullshit linear algebra v2 release – Minireference blog [https://minireference.com/blog/no-bullshit-linear-algebra-v2-release/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278480 -
Lessons Learned with Docker [https://dev.to/ahansondev/lessons-learned-with-docker] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278481 -
IKEA Trådfri: Internet of Things done right - Home Assistant [https://home-assistant.io/blog/2017/04/17/ikea-tradfri-internet-of-things-done-right/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278482 -
Login [https://store.steampowered.com/login/?checkout=1&need_password=1&purchasetype=self&redir=checkout%2F%3Fpurchasetype%3Dself&redir_ssl=1] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278483 -
Slim down hefty Rails controllers AND models, using domain model events (video and guide) [https://www.rubytapas.com/2017/04/11/skinny-controller-domain-model-events/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278484 -
How to Add a Slack Notifier with Slack-Notifier and Sidekiq [http://sfviapgh.com/blog/2017/4/2/how-to-add-a-slack-notifier-with-slack-notifier-and-sidekiq] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278485 -
Fast and safe frontend fixes - O'Reilly Media [https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/fast-and-safe-frontend-fixes] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278486 -
Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Domain-Driven Design [https://dev.to/vladikk/tackling-complexity-in-the-heart-of-domain-driven-design] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278487 -
No more DEBUG/INFO/WARN/ERROR logging [https://dev.to/danlebrero/no-more-debuginfowarnerror-logging] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278488 -
Start holding a domain knowledge meeting [https://dev.to/aeiche/start-holding-a-domain-knowledge-meeting] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278489 -
Working Smart: What performance metrics do developers value and when do they feel most productive? [https://dev.to/walker/working-smart-what-performance-metrics-do-developers-value-and-when-do-they-feel-most-productive] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278490 -
Home - QuickDBD [https://www.quickdatabasediagrams.com/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278491 -
How Negative Thinkers Can Train Themselves to Stop Being Grumps [http://lifehacker.com/how-negative-thinkers-can-train-themselves-to-stop-bein-1794275331] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278492 -
Have you been glutened? | BeyondCeliac.org [https://www.beyondceliac.org/research-news/View-Research-News/1394/postid--76804/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278493 -
Robert Haas: New Features Coming in PostgreSQL 10 [http://rhaas.blogspot.com/2017/04/new-features-coming-in-postgresql-10.html] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278494 -
Postgres at Scale: Query Performance and Autovacuuming for Large Tables [https://medium.com/contactually-engineering/postgres-at-scale-query-performance-and-autovacuuming-for-large-tables-d7e8ad40b16b] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan pg - 1 | id:278495 -
PostgreSQL Deployment on Kubernetes with Blue Green - XenonStack [https://www.xenonstack.com/blog/how-to-deploy-postgresql-on-kubernetes] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278496 -
r/TheChurchOfRogers - Did you know all of these Mr. Rogers facts? TIL a lot more! [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheChurchOfRogers/comments/64vyxo/did_you_know_all_of_these_mr_rogers_facts_til_a/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278497 -
SVG: 5 questions, 10 answers - O'Reilly Media [https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/svg-5-questions-10-answers] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278498 -
Five things we’ve learned about monitoring containers and their orchestrators - High Scalability - [http://highscalability.com/blog/2017/4/10/five-things-weve-learned-about-monitoring-containers-and-the.html] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278499 -
What is a productive data engineering team? [https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/what-is-a-productive-data-engineering-team] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278500 -
My giant JavaScript Basics course is now live on YouTube. And it’s 100% free. [https://medium.freecodecamp.com/my-giant-javascript-basics-course-is-now-live-on-youtube-and-its-100-free-9020a21bbc27] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan video - 1 | id:278501 -
Reusing Pipelines | GoCD Blog [https://www.gocd.io/2017/04/06/reusing-pipelines/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278502 -
The Power of the TODO List [https://dev.to/jlhcoder/the-power-of-the-todo-list] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278503 -
Better Git configuration [https://blog.scottnonnenberg.com/better-git-configuration/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278504 -
Difference between Date, Time and DateTime | Red Panthers [http://blog.redpanthers.co/time-date-datetime/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278505 -
The Rubyist's Guide to Memoization - Honeybadger Developer Blog [http://blog.honeybadger.io/rubyist_guide_to_memoization/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278506 -
Idiosyncratic Ruby: Documenting All Ruby Specialities [http://idiosyncratic-ruby.com/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278507 -
Incubation Status Template - Apache Incubator [http://quickstep.apache.org//] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278508 -
BI Performance Benchmarks with BigQuery from Google | AtScale [http://blog.atscale.com/bi-benchmarks-with-google-bigquery] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278509 -
This Weird Trick Might Give You Brief Relief From Your Tinnitus [http://lifehacker.com/this-weird-trick-might-give-you-brief-relief-from-your-1794093023] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278510 -
Programmers should be good at email too. Here is my guide to leveling up your Gmail game. [https://dev.to/peter/programmers-should-be-good-at-email-too-here-is-my-guide-to-leveling-up-your-gmail-game] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278511 -
Here’s how an otherwise humdrum virus sparks celiac disease | Ars Technica [https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/04/heres-how-an-otherwise-humdrum-virus-sparks-celiac-disease/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278512 -
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Writing Good Rake Tasks * But Were Afraid to Ask [http://edelpero.svbtle.com/everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-writing-good-rake-tasks-but-were-afraid-to-ask] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278513 -
Explaining Programming to 6 Years Old Kids - DEV Community [https://dev.to/tkaczanowski/explaining-programming-to-6-years-old-kids] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278514 -
Travis CI and Jekyll [https://dev.to/the_128keaton/travis-ci-and-jekyll] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278515 -
レビトラの副作用は?安心なED治療薬? [http://www.sonicpiliveandcoding.com/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278516 -
Starving Yourself Two Days a Week Is Actually Not a Bad Diet [http://vitals.lifehacker.com/starving-yourself-two-days-a-week-is-actually-not-a-bad-1793788417] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278517 -
In simple terms: backend code, frontend code and how they interact [https://dev.to/hugo__df/in-simple-terms-backend-code-frontend-code-and-how-they-interact] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278518 -
Daring mighty things: Pathways to careers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory [http://www.planetary.org/blogs/guest-blogs/2017/20170403-daring-mighty-things-jpl.html] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278519 -
IDgenetix Tests - AltheaDx [https://altheadx.com/clinical-trial-portfolio/idgenetix-tests/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278520 -
Coming Soon [https://www.glutenfreefellas.com/new-blog/what-to-do-when-youve-been-glutened] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278521 -
r/science - Science AMA Series: Hi Reddit, we're the organizers of the March for Science, and we're here to talk about the importance of fighting for science and how you can get involved. Ask us anything! [https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/62kss7/science_ama_series_hi_reddit_were_the_organizers/] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278522 -
Doomsday Prep For Non-Paranoid People [http://lifehacker.com/doomsday-prep-for-non-paranoid-people-1793870107] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278523 -
Built-In Vim Autocomplete | Hacker News [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13960147] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278524 -
HTTPS provides more than just privacy [https://certsimple.com/blog/ssl-why-do-i-need-it] - 2019-10-04 21:42:44 - public:aguynamedryan no-tag - 1 | id:278525 -