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[http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2014/08151/Effectiveness_of_Mass_Media_Interventions_for_HIV.13.aspx] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, evaluation, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, social_marketing - 5 | id:76478 -

Increases in condom use were larger for longer campaigns and in nations that scored lower on the human development index. Increases in transmission knowledge were larger to the extent that respondents reported greater campaign exposure, for more recent campaigns, and for nations that scored lower on the human development index.

[https://www.marketingsociety.com/the-library/why-we-left-behavioural-science-view] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, policy, theory - 3 | id:76502 -

But you have to get System 1 onside in the first place. Decisions have three big levers – in branding, in politics, in anything else. We call them Fame, Feeling & Fluency. Does a choice come to mind easily (Fame)? Then it’s a good choice. Does a choice feel good? (Feeling) Then it’s a good choice. Is a choice easy to recognise and understand? (Fluency) Then it’s a good choice.

[http://washdev.iwaponline.com/content/6/2/287] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, theory - 2 | id:76507 -

WASH/sanitation programs that focus on higher-level motivations on Maslow's model (e.g., self-esteem, love and belonging, and safety) are much more successful than those that focus only on physiological motivations (e.g., health) - a reminder to dig deeper to connect core values to the desired behavior.

[https://medium.com/fluxx-studio-notes/how-watching-a-short-clip-from-a-tom-hanks-movie-saved-one-company-1-5-million-5fe3aebac7d0#.o3eqksdcm] - - public:weinreich
creativity, design, management - 3 | id:76510 -

Here’s one way to deal with things : show them a clip from the film Apollo 13. Specifically, the bit where the crew on board the lunar module are facing imminent suffocation due to a faulty air filter, so the scientists on the ground are forced to make a ‘square peg fit a round hole’ with whatever is available to the astronauts. I showed the clip to one client team I was working with, who were all blockers and no action. Before watching the clip the team was fatalistically resigned to business as usual. They didn’t like it, but they accepted it. Business as usual was a six month requirement gathering phase leading to a £1.5m bet on an unproven concept. After watching the clip, they built a working proof of concept within two hours, a fully fledged beta test within 6 weeks and ended up with an award-winning product that delights customers and is incredibly valuable to the business.

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