
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing time's Bookmarks

[http://www.ebibleteacher.com/churchvideodesign6.html] - - public:time
AV - 1 | id:4520 -


[http://svconline.com/how/] - - public:time
AV, magazine - 2 | id:4524 -

S&V Contractor on Houses of Worship | Product reviews, podcasts, installation profiles, presentation equipment technology showcases.

[http://www.alectrosystems.com/video/distribution/fixedcamera_1.htm] - - public:time
AV - 1 | id:4526 -

Example fixed video distribution system

[http://www.mozarteum.at/03_Wissenschaft/03_Wissenschaft_NMAOnline.asp?SID=658126165211733] - - public:time
free, mozart, music, sheet - 4 | id:4549 -

this web site, operated by the Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute, is to make Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical compositions widely and conveniently accessible to the public, for personal study, scholarl

[http://www.unabridged.info/new.htm] - - public:time
audiobooks, blind, resource, unabridged - 4 | id:4561 -

Unabridged provides narrated downloadable digital audio books for eligible individuals living in Northern California, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, and Texas who are blind, visually challenged, or physically cha

[http://unabridged.lib.overdrive.com/] - - public:time
audiobooks, blind, drm, library, resource, unabridged - 6 | id:4562 -

Providing instant access to Windows Media based content for blind and visually impaired library patrons of Unabridged! Audio books can be enjoyed on PCs with Windows Media Player, or transfer the content to portable CD or MP3 players or other WMA-enabled

[http://www.talkshoe.com/se/about/TSAbout.html] - - public:time
chat, forums, talk - 3 | id:4564 -

There are chat rooms, but they often deteriorate into useless jabberwocky. There's IM, but it’s just text. Then there's the phone, but finding new people to talk to is not practical. Thus was born TalkShoe™ — a new way to talk with interesting peopl

[http://www.ektasis.com/products/index.html] - - public:time
ajax, software, web2.0 - 3 | id:4565 -

The Ektasis application framework enables execution of real software on the Internet. The need for an Executable Internet has been frequently cited by thought leaders in the software and web development industries.

With marked bookmarks
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