jay19240/WARME-Y2K: HTML5 WebGPU Game Engine 2D & 3D written in TypeScript [https://github.com/jay19240/WARME-Y2K] - 2024-05-03 16:56:38 - public:xxx 2d, 3d, gamedev, games, javascript, js, library - 7 | id:1491389 -
Emil Dziewanowski - Technical Artist [https://emildziewanowski.com/] - 2024-04-27 12:47:21 - public:xxx 3d, blog, computer, design, games, graphics - 6 | id:1491125 -
harbdog/raycaster-go: Golang raycaster engine using the Ebitengine 2D Game Library [https://github.com/harbdog/raycaster-go] - 2024-03-28 16:27:11 - public:xxx 3d, casting, games, golang, programming, ray - 6 | id:1490806 -
Goxel 3D Voxel Editor [https://goxel.xyz/] - 2024-01-18 21:38:28 - public:xxx 3d, art, drawings, editor, free, graphics, pixelart - 7 | id:1489320 -
SpaceLancer - online 3d spaceships browser game [https://play.spacelancers.com/] - 2023-11-10 21:02:10 - public:xxx 3d, browser, games, online, space, spaceship - 6 | id:1485133 -
GitHub - gen2brain/raylib-go: Go bindings for raylib, a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming. [https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go] - 2023-09-26 19:56:11 - public:xxx 3d, games, github, go, golang, graphics, library - 7 | id:1484677 -
GeoFS - Fly in Your Web Browser [https://www.geo-fs.com/geofs.php?v=3.62] - 2023-08-22 07:23:13 - public:xxx 3d, browser, flight, games, online, simulator - 6 | id:1483930 -
Discover three.js! [https://discoverthreejs.com/] - 2023-08-17 21:16:24 - public:xxx 3d, book, graphics, javascript, js, learn, library, three, tutorials - 9 | id:1483893 -
apes.io - 3d game [https://apes.io/] - 2023-07-22 14:08:45 - public:xxx 3d, browser, fps, games, online - 5 | id:1483647 -
Sweet Home 3D - Draw floor plans and arrange furniture freely [https://www.sweethome3d.com/] - 2023-02-24 18:25:38 - public:xxx 3d, design, home, online - 4 | id:1364086 -
Play Сounter-Strike 1.6 online free wothout downloading at PLAY-CS.COM [https://play-cs.com/en/servers] - 2023-02-04 16:16:51 - public:xxx 3d, browser, games, online, webgl - 5 | id:1295012 -
GitHub - gmarland/lawnmower: A library to build VR layouts using HTML tags [https://github.com/gmarland/lawnmower] - 2023-02-03 17:58:40 - public:xxx 3d, html, javascript, js, library, vr - 6 | id:1295007 -
Shadertoy BETA - 3d art and code [https://www.shadertoy.com/] - 2023-01-27 20:36:18 - public:xxx 3d, art, code, graphics, marketplace, nice, shaders, webgl - 8 | id:1294950 -
Narrow One by Pelican Party [https://pelicanparty.itch.io/narrow-one] - 2022-12-16 18:58:48 - public:xxx 3d, arrows, games, html5, online - 5 | id:1294666 -
Blockbench [https://www.blockbench.net/] - 2022-12-10 17:51:58 - public:xxx 3d, download, editor, free, online, opensource, pixelart, software - 8 | id:1294613 - Free software for 3d design for pixel art
Flip-Segment Digital Clock Is A Miniature Mechanical Marvel | Hackaday [https://hackaday.com/2022/10/09/flip-segment-digital-clock-is-a-miniature-mechanical-marvel/] - 2022-10-15 20:27:45 - public:xxx 3d, build, clock, digital, kids, mechanical, print - 7 | id:1287055 -
clay.css - by Adrian Bece - give fluffy 3d design to your CSS objects [https://codeadrian.github.io/clay.css/] - 2022-01-28 17:16:10 - public:xxx 3d, css, fluggy, library, webdesign, webdev - 6 | id:1016221 -
Vanta.js - Animated 3D Backgrounds For Your Website [https://www.vantajs.com/] - 2022-01-07 21:34:21 - public:xxx 3d, animation, background, graphics, javascript, js, library - 7 | id:980540 -
W - javascript framework for webgl [https://xem.github.io/W/] - 2021-12-31 18:45:06 - public:xxx 3d, code, framework, games, library, webgl - 6 | id:980388 -
3dicons - Open source 3D icon library [https://3dicons.co/?ref=producthunt] - 2021-10-18 18:23:45 - public:xxx 3d, download, downloads, free, icons, opensource - 6 | id:819787 -
Atropos - Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects [https://atroposjs.com/] - 2021-10-05 14:29:48 - public:xxx 3d, effects, graphics, javascript, js, library, nice, parallax - 8 | id:797644 -
LÖVR [https://lovr.org/] - 2021-09-11 11:17:48 - public:xxx 3d, code, design, development, framework, graphics, language, programming - 8 | id:788330 - 3d framework language
Open 3D Engine [https://o3de.org/] - 2021-07-16 15:28:32 - public:xxx 3d, engine, gamedev, gameengine, games, graphics - 6 | id:742003 - Open engine for games
Spline - Design tool for 3D web experiences [https://spline.design/?ref=producthunt] - 2021-03-18 14:02:42 - public:xxx 3d, downloads, drawings, editor, graphics, software - 6 | id:574305 -
GitHub - Cloud9c/taro: A lightweight 3D game engine for the web. [https://github.com/Cloud9c/taro] - 2021-03-13 13:37:07 - public:xxx 3d, engine, gamedev, gameengine, html, library, web - 7 | id:574234 -
Create highly performant WebXR apps. | Wonderland Engine [https://wonderlandengine.com/] - 2021-03-06 20:15:34 - public:xxx 3d, editor, free, games - 4 | id:574152 -
GitHub - pixijs/pixi.js: The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. [https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js] - 2021-03-05 20:36:24 - public:xxx 2d, 3d, engine, gamedev, gameprogramming, games, graphics, html5, library, webgl - 10 | id:574131 -
Veloren [https://veloren.net/] - 2021-02-19 22:01:12 - public:xxx 3d, downloads, free, games, linux, minecraft, rust - 7 | id:573918 - Online RPG like minecraft written in rust for linux too
A sneak peek at MetaHuman Creator: high-fidelity digital humans made easy - Unreal Engine [https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/a-sneak-peek-at-metahuman-creator-high-fidelity-digital-humans-made-easy] - 2021-02-19 21:57:32 - public:xxx 3d, creator, downloads, drawings, editor, humans, software - 7 | id:573915 -
Beautiful CSS 3D Transform Perspective Examples in 2020 | Polypane Browser for Developers [https://polypane.app/css-3d-transform-examples/] - 2020-10-06 12:52:37 - public:xxx 3d, cards, css, design, nice, snippets, webdesign, widget - 8 | id:415552 -
ztext.js | 3D Typography for the Web [https://bennettfeely.com/ztext/] - 2020-08-29 14:32:34 - public:xxx 3d, font, javascript, js, library, nice, widget - 7 | id:375868 -
Free 3D Cover Generator - Convert your flat cover into 3D! [https://www.absolutecovers.com/cg1/] - 2020-07-20 11:59:49 - public:xxx 3d, generator, image, online - 4 | id:351461 -
Non-Euclidean Worlds Engine - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEB11PQ9Eo8] - 2020-07-07 07:27:15 - public:xxx 3d, dimensions, games, kids, learn - 5 | id:350938 - Learn about 3d and dimensions
The Book of Shaders [https://thebookofshaders.com/] - 2020-06-19 14:48:29 - public:xxx 3d, books, learn, programming, shaders - 5 | id:350356 - Learn 3d metrics shading book
quakejs.com [http://www.quakejs.com/] - 2020-04-10 14:50:35 - public:xxx 3d, browser, fps, games, html5, javascript, js, multiplayer, online, quake, retro - 11 | id:292877 - Quake in javascript
GitHub - s-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of codes-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering in less than 20 lines of code [https://github.com/s-macke/VoxelSpace] - 2020-01-08 21:14:35 - public:xxx 3d, code, graphics, javascript, programming, webgl - 6 | id:277009 -
Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 3D At Its Best [https://www.babylonjs.com/] - 2020-01-03 17:15:09 - public:xxx 3d, babylonjs, canvas, graphics, javascript, js, library, svg, webgl - 9 | id:276952 -
WebGLStudio.js [https://webglstudio.org/] - 2019-11-30 15:36:06 - public:xxx 3d, editor, online, studio, web, webdev, webgl - 7 | id:272135 - WebGLStudio.js - Platform for 3D development on the web.
CSS Transform Functions Visualizer [https://css-transform.moro.es/] - 2019-05-06 10:28:11 - public:xxx 2D, 3D, CSS, CSS3, csstransform, demo, functions, learn, transform, webdev - 10 | id:251485 - CSS3 2D / 3D Transform Functions Visualizer and Playground
A-Frame – Make WebVR [https://aframe.io/] - 2017-09-18 19:26:39 - public:xxx 3d, cardboard, code, javascript, js, library, programming, vr, webdev, webvr - 10 | id:23241 - Library for VR and 3D in Browser using Cardboard
Tiko - The Unibody 3D Printer by Tiko 3D — Kickstarter [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tiko3d/tiko-the-unibody-3d-printer?ref=nav_search] - 2015-04-07 08:32:23 - public:xxx 3d, 3dprinter, kickstarter, printer, to_buy - 5 | id:109 -
Want Cardboard? Here’s how to make (or buy) Google’s DIY VR headset at home - Pocket-lint [http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/129612-want-cardboard-here-s-how-to-make-or-buy-google-s-diy-vr-headset-at-home] - 2014-12-14 09:17:06 - public:xxx 3d, android, build, cool, kids - 5 | id:144 -
Cardboard [https://developers.google.com/cardboard/] - 2014-07-13 12:40:03 - public:xxx 3d, android, build, kids, oculus, rift - 6 | id:201 - Build like oculus rift with the kids
three.js - JavaScript 3D library [http://threejs.org/] - 2013-06-27 13:22:19 - public:xxx 3d, code, development, docs, html5, javascript, library, programming, reference, three.js, web, webgl - 12 | id:260 -
Alice.org [http://www.alice.org/index.php] - 2013-05-13 11:59:07 - public:xxx 3d, code, development, games, kids, learn, programming - 7 | id:279 -
ogre4j | ogre4j - Java Native Interfaces for OGRE - 3d engine library [http://ogre4j.sourceforge.net/] - 2012-12-26 07:20:55 - public:xxx 3d, direct3d, engine, gamedev, games, graphics, java, jni, library, ogre, opengl, programming - 12 | id:311 -
xith.org - Home of the Xith3D Project - Java 3D graphics library [http://xith.org/] - 2012-12-26 07:18:42 - public:xxx 3d, engine, gamedev, graphics, java, java3d, library, opengl, opensource, programming - 10 | id:312 -
Ardor3D - Java 3D game engine also Android [http://www.ardor3d.com/] - 2012-12-26 07:17:47 - public:xxx 3d, android, development, engine, games, graphics, java, library, opengl, opensource - 10 | id:313 -
jMonkeyEngine 3.0 | Java OpenGL Game Engine [http://jmonkeyengine.com/] - 2012-12-26 07:16:31 - public:xxx 3d, engine, games, graphics, java, library, programming - 7 | id:315 -
lwjgl.org - Home of the Lightweight Java Game Library [http://www.lwjgl.org/] - 2012-12-26 07:15:55 - public:xxx 3d, development, gameprogramming, games, java, library, opengl, opensource, programming - 9 | id:316 -