Enhance Speech from Adobe | Free AI filter for cleaning up spoken audio [https://podcast.adobe.com/enhance] - 2022-12-18 06:22:29 - public:mepage AI, audio, utilities - 3 | id:1495038 -
AutoEq/results at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq [https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq/tree/master/results] - 2022-05-25 05:02:09 - public:mepage android, audio, wavelet - 3 | id:1495128 -
AV Linux MX Edition | [http://www.bandshed.net/avlinux/] - 2021-11-22 07:25:27 - public:mepage Audio, Debian, Linux - 3 | id:1495208 -
Sample Focus | The Easiest Way to Find Free Audio Samples, Sounds, and [https://samplefocus.com/samples?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search=noise] - 2021-09-07 04:43:26 - public:mepage audio, samples - 2 | id:1495233 -
AudioMass - Audio Editor [https://audiomass.co/] - 2020-07-17 14:24:12 - public:mepage audio, editors, onlinetools - 3 | id:1495396 -
Debian Multimedia Audio plugins packages [https://blends.debian.org/multimedia/tasks/audio-plugins] - 2019-09-22 10:36:56 - public:mepage audio, debian, linux, multimedia, plugins - 5 | id:1495537 -
When One Is Enough: Microphone Approaches For Piano In The Live Realm - Page 3 of 3 - ProSoundWeb [https://www.prosoundweb.com/topics/sound_reinforcement/when_one_is_enough_microphone_approaches_for_piano_in_the_live_realm/3/] - 2019-09-03 04:27:28 - public:mepage audio, piano, recording, studio - 4 | id:1495546 -
Calf Studio Gear - GNU/Linux Audio Plug-Ins [https://calf-studio-gear.org/] - 2019-09-01 17:12:38 - public:mepage audio, lv2, plugins, studio, vst - 5 | id:1495547 -
LMMS | Home [https://lmms.io/] - 2019-08-25 05:33:03 - public:mepage audio, daw, linux, sound, studio - 5 | id:1495553 -
ardour - the digital audio workstation [https://ardour.org/features.html] - 2019-08-25 05:29:01 - public:mepage audio, daw, linux, sound, studio - 5 | id:1495554 -
BBC Sound Effects - Research & Education Space [http://bbcsfx.acropolis.org.uk/] - 2019-04-22 13:35:45 - public:mepage audio, bbc, soundeffects - 3 | id:1495640 -
Blank MP3s [http://www.xamuel.com/blank-mp3s/] - 2016-08-04 13:34:45 - public:mepage audio, mp3 - 2 | id:1495906 -
Online MP3 Cutter - Cut Songs, Make Ringtones [https://mp3cut.net/] - 2015-10-11 06:40:52 - public:mepage audio, editor, onlinetools - 3 | id:1496056 -
HTML5 Audio Editor [http://plucked.de/] - 2015-10-11 06:39:09 - public:mepage audio, editor, html5, javascript, onlinetools - 5 | id:1496057 -
Savonet / Liquidsoap :: Multimedia Stream Generation [http://liquidsoap.fm/] - 2015-01-30 09:58:18 - public:mepage audio, multimedia - 2 | id:1496166 -
Mac App Store - Audio Converter Lite [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/audio-converter-lite/id703369642?mt=12] - 2014-03-01 17:45:59 - public:mepage audio, converters, osx - 3 | id:1496446 -
tacotunes.com | Audio Solutions for your Toyotatacotunes.com [http://tacotunes.com/car-audio-video/] - 2013-12-24 05:08:54 - public:mepage audio, automotive, tacoma - 3 | id:1496548 -
SomaFM: Listener Supported, Commercial Free Internet Radio [http://somafm.com/] - 2013-10-16 04:33:41 - public:mepage audio, internet, music, radio, streaming - 5 | id:1496613 -
Open Culture [http://www.openculture.com/] - 2013-03-23 16:01:09 - public:mepage audio, books, culture, education, learning, video - 6 | id:1496809 -
For only $6.60 each when QTY 50+ purchased - Enhanced Bass Hi-Fi Noise Isolating Earphones - Black [feedly] [http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=108&cp_id=10823&cs_id=1082303&p_id=9927&seq=1&format=2] - 2013-03-18 16:22:39 - public:mepage audio, earbuds, hardware - 3 | id:1496811 -
Live Audio/Ubuntu Darkice - The RadioReference Wiki [http://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Live_Audio/Ubuntu_Darkice] - 2012-11-16 04:27:56 - public:mepage audio, darkice, linux, mp3, stream - 5 | id:1496938 -
Stream Live Audio from a Microphone in Near Real Time in Ubuntu « prupert [http://prupert.co.uk/2010/08/02/stream-live-audio-from-a-microphone-in-near-real-time-in-ubuntu/] - 2012-11-16 04:08:15 - public:mepage audio, linux, mp3, stream - 4 | id:1496939 -
Xiph.org [http://www.xiph.org/] - 2012-09-11 16:10:58 - public:mepage audio, codec, media - 3 | id:1496998 -