Excess mortality: England is the European outlier in the Covid-19 pandemic | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal [https://voxeu.org/article/excess-mortality-england-european-outlier-covid-19-pandemic] - 2020-05-18 14:20:46 - public:elrengo CV19, england, excessMortality, outlier - 4 | id:310335 -
Coronavirus Research Report Imperial College [https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf] - 2020-03-18 23:42:13 - public:elrengo Coronavirus, covid19, CV19, Imperial, Model, pandemic, Report - 7 | id:290825 -
Summary of imperial Coronavirus report and link to full report [https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/news--wuhan-coronavirus/] - 2020-03-18 23:38:45 - public:elrengo Coronavirus, covid19, CV19, Imperial, model, Report, research, summary, WHO - 9 | id:290824 -