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Python Tutor helps people overcome a fundamental barrier to learning programming: understanding what happens as the computer runs each line of code. You can use it to write Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby code in your web browser and see its execution visualized step by step.
Still don't feel like a “real“ programmer? Beyond the Basic Stuff covers software development tools and best practices so you can code like a professional.
Learn more about Reaktor's and the University of Helsinki's AI course - no programming or complicated math required.
Twitter and other social media platforms represent a large and largely untapped resource for social data and evidence. In this post, Wasim Ahmed updates his recurring series on the Impact Blog, to …
Learn the six simple steps of running social media experiments, and get 87 ideas, which you can start testing immediately.
MIT OpenCourseWare makes the materials used in the teaching of almost all of MIT's subjects available on the Web, free of charge. With more than 2,400 courses available, OCW is delivering on the promise of open sharing of knowledge.