Enginnering [https://www.theengineeringcommunity.org/page/2/?s=water+tank] - 2023-08-05 11:00:48 - public:bttgcm civil, database, engineering, spreadsheet - 4 | id:1483740 -
oral history [https://www.oralhistory.org/centers-and-collections/] - 2022-05-22 08:31:34 - public:bttgcm database, interviews, oral-history - 3 | id:1116226 -
Mind the graph [https://mindthegraph.com/app/illustrations] - 2022-01-20 14:19:57 - public:bttgcm database, visualization - 2 | id:997017 -
Openstreet map download [https://download.geofabrik.de] - 2021-06-20 18:06:49 - public:bttgcm database, GIS, openstreetmap - 3 | id:684429 -
Hindu Kush database [http://rds.icimod.org/Home/Index?section=section-2] - 2021-01-15 09:25:29 - public:bttgcm climate, database, himalaya, mountains - 4 | id:485810 -
Biodiversity dataset [https://www.flickr.com/search/?tags=bookcollectionbiodiversity] - 2020-12-05 05:24:54 - public:bttgcm biodiversity, database, images - 3 | id:438479 -
Ant Web Image [https://www.antweb.org] - 2020-10-12 20:06:21 - public:bttgcm ants, biodiversity, database - 3 | id:416611 -
Earth environment [http://www.earthenv.org] - 2020-09-09 13:38:53 - public:bttgcm database, earth, environment, GIS - 4 | id:375985 -
NASA worldview [https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/] - 2020-06-19 18:13:57 - public:bttgcm database, GIS, maps - 3 | id:350361 -
Soil world map [https://soilgrids.org] - 2020-05-19 10:40:05 - public:bttgcm database, environmental, soil - 3 | id:310348 -
Wastewater technologies [https://www.cseindia.org/mount/aboutmount] - 2020-05-18 13:26:54 - public:bttgcm database, india, technology, wastewater - 4 | id:310332 -
nature based solution [https://pedrr.org/virtual-library/] - 2020-05-01 06:48:29 - public:bttgcm database, ecology, engineering, nature-based-solution - 4 | id:309902 -
PANORAMA nature based solutions [https://panorama.solutions/en/explorer/bb] - 2020-05-01 06:35:45 - public:bttgcm biodiversity, climate-change, database, maps, nature-based-solution - 5 | id:309901 -
Biodiversity Data [http://www.keybiodiversityareas.org/site/requestgis] - 2020-05-01 06:33:35 - public:bttgcm biodiversity, database, maps - 3 | id:309900 -
Google Earth Engine [https://earthengine.google.com] - 2020-04-24 05:35:19 - public:bttgcm bigdata, climate, database, environment, GIS, map, tool - 7 | id:309689 -
digital himalaya [http://www.digitalhimalaya.com] - 2020-04-11 20:32:50 - public:bttgcm books, database, himalaya, pdf - 4 | id:292891 -
Environmental Legislaiton database [https://www.ecolex.org] - 2019-12-04 15:49:12 - public:bttgcm database, environmental, law - 3 | id:272173 -
Science Symbols [https://ian.umces.edu/symbols/] - 2019-12-04 09:28:03 - public:bttgcm database, science, symbols - 3 | id:272165 -
Practica Foundation [https://www.practica.org] - 2019-04-29 13:27:21 - public:bttgcm database, development, engineering, manuals, pdf - 5 | id:244369 -
health data [http://www.healthdata.org] - 2019-03-26 07:07:58 - public:bttgcm database, health - 2 | id:243976 -
Medical pdf [https://am-medicine.com/2017/06/quantitative-microbial-risk-assessment-2-edition.html] - 2019-03-17 17:00:06 - public:bttgcm database, ebook, medicine - 3 | id:243868 -
environmental resources [https://www.envirosource.com/domino/thielen/envrsrc.nsf] - 2019-03-05 04:44:55 - public:bttgcm database, environment, jobs, resources - 4 | id:243776 -
R graph [https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/network/] - 2019-03-03 13:24:19 - public:bttgcm database, R, tutorial, visualization - 4 | id:243773 -
Solid waste developing countries [http://www.cwgnet.net] - 2019-02-26 05:09:23 - public:bttgcm database, development, waste - 3 | id:243727 -
opentech publishing [https://www.intechopen.com] - 2019-02-07 13:23:48 - public:bttgcm database, ebooks, library, lit_review - 4 | id:241622 -
European pollutant archive [https://prtr.eea.europa.eu/#/facilitylevels] - 2019-02-05 14:44:41 - public:bttgcm database, EU, pollution - 3 | id:241493 -
Hindawi [https://www.hindawi.com] - 2019-01-10 16:48:13 - public:bttgcm academia, database, journals, mountains, papers, research - 6 | id:230385 -
Susana [http://www.susana.org/] - 2018-12-30 16:35:53 - public:bttgcm database, knowledge, network, opportunities, sanitation, WASH - 6 | id:230166 -
________ [https://landportal.org/about] - 2018-12-25 11:32:32 - public:bttgcm database, development, energy, environment, information - 5 | id:230081 -
________ [https://earth.esa.int/web/guest/earth-topics/atmosphere/chemistry] - 2018-12-13 06:52:46 - public:bttgcm air-pollution, database, environment, pollution, remote-sensing, visualization - 6 | id:229249 -
________ [https://www.nap.edu] - 2018-12-11 07:01:10 - public:bttgcm database, ebook, engineering, pdf, science - 5 | id:229150 -
________ [https://www.emagister.co.uk] - 2018-12-11 04:44:49 - public:bttgcm courses, database, e-learning, learning, online - 5 | id:229147 -
________ [https://openaq.org] - 2018-12-10 16:56:24 - public:bttgcm air-pollution, database - 2 | id:229145 -
________ [https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes] - 2018-12-10 14:22:32 - public:bttgcm database, digest, energy, uk - 4 | id:229141 -
________ [https://gemstat.org] - 2018-12-06 08:47:57 - public:bttgcm database, visualization, water - 3 | id:229097 -
________ [http://environmentlive.unep.org/situation] - 2018-12-06 08:40:31 - public:bttgcm data, database, environment, simulation, visualization, world - 6 | id:229095 -
________ [https://cnx.org] - 2018-12-02 10:45:40 - public:bttgcm courses, database, e-learning, pdf - 4 | id:229049 -
Civil Engineering Terms | Easy and Understandable Terms Related to Civil Engineering [https://www.civilengineeringterms.com/] - 2018-11-09 05:13:51 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, engineering, environmental, terminology - 5 | id:188425 -
Waste Atlas - Interactive map with visualized waste management data [http://www.atlas.d-waste.com/] - 2018-11-08 06:30:18 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, waste - 3 | id:190402 -
Resource Library [https://gwopa.org/en/resources-library] - 2018-10-26 08:36:59 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, development, library, pdf, resource, water - 7 | id:190406 -
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 23RD Edition [http://4mechengineer.com/standard-methods-for-the-examination-of-water-and-wastewater-23rd-edition/] - 2018-10-07 19:48:23 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, download, ebook, PDF - 5 | id:189841 -
Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/] - 2018-07-19 00:33:45 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, free, photo - 4 | id:189864 -
OneGeology Portal [http://portal.onegeology.org/OnegeologyGlobal/] - 2018-06-29 10:52:59 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, geology, world - 4 | id:188551 -
WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health [http://www.lboro.ac.uk/orgs/well/resources/technical-briefs/technical-briefs.htm#G-L] - 2018-06-11 10:55:07 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, development, guidelines, water - 5 | id:190405 -
Tajikistan’s Neighbors | Tajikistan Research Resources [https://tajikistanresearch.org/tajikistans-neighbors/] - 2018-06-10 16:31:16 - public:bttgcm asia, central, database, delicious - 4 | id:188297 -
Solutions Library – Buildables [https://buildables.co/solutions-library/] - 2018-06-05 11:20:12 - public:bttgcm building, database, delicious - 3 | id:187981 -
::..Display Catalogues.:: [http://universitiespress.com/Display_Contents?id=1] - 2018-06-05 02:49:14 - public:bttgcm academic, books, database, delicious, india - 5 | id:187949 -
Center for International Earth Science Information Network [https://ciesin.columbia.edu/data/hrsl/] - 2018-03-06 13:33:17 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, GIS, population - 4 | id:188556 -
Search [https://www.cca.qc.ca/en/search?query=Alvaro+Siza] - 2018-01-31 08:45:24 - public:bttgcm alvaro, architecture, archive, database, delicious, siza - 6 | id:188290 -
personas [http://loma-arq.com/personas.html] - 2018-01-25 04:07:55 - public:bttgcm database, delicious, images, people, photoshop - 5 | id:188313 -