H.INT - 3D Warehouse [https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/user.html?id=1216570458897334302842513] - 2014-10-05 16:49:01 - public:lowly 3d, graphics, ikea, model, sketchup - 5 | id:178855 -
Away With Words: The IKEA Naming System [http://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2007/12/the-ikea-naming.html] - 2008-01-09 10:05:25 - public:lowly branding, fun, IKEA, naming, trivia - 5 | id:180299 -
ikea hacker [http://ikeahacker.blogspot.com/] - 2007-09-07 08:40:56 - public:lowly blog, design, diy, ikea, lifehacks - 5 | id:180431 -
IKEAFANS [http://www.ikeafans.com/] - 2007-03-15 10:14:20 - public:lowly community, ikea - 2 | id:180589 -