“สมชาย บุลสุข“ กับหลักการ 3 S ของเสริมสุข [https://mgronline.com/business/detail/9490000074145] - 2024-04-23 10:51:29 - public:stevetao 3S, Service, Smart, Smile - 4 | id:1491042 -
เพิ่มความเป็นมืออาชีพด้วยหลัก 3S : Smart Smooth Smile [https://www.meaprakai.com/post/เพิ่มความเป็นมืออาชีพด้วยหลัก-3s-smart-smooth-smile] - 2024-04-23 10:42:41 - public:stevetao 3S, Professional, Smart, Smile, Smooth - 5 | id:1491036 -
Get Smart: Crafting SMART Learning Goals - The K. Patricia Cross Academy [https://kpcrossacademy.org/crafting-smart-learning-goals/] - 2024-03-15 07:35:47 - public:stevetao Goal, Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 5 | id:1489947 -
SMART learning objectives examples explained in detail✴️ [https://www.ag5.com/5-practical-examples-how-to-formulate-smart-learning-objectives/] - 2024-03-15 07:29:56 - public:stevetao Learning, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489945 -
What are Learning Outcomes? How to Write them & Why are they Important? [https://www.creatrixcampus.com/blog/what-are-learning-outcomes#] - 2024-03-15 07:11:11 - public:stevetao Education, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489941 -
Learning Objectives: For Effective eLearning [https://blog.commlabindia.com/elearning-design/learning-objectives-framing-importance-infographic] - 2024-03-15 07:09:29 - public:stevetao Education, Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 5 | id:1489940 -
10 Examples of SMART Learning Objectives for Better Learning | EdApp Microlearning [https://www.edapp.com/blog/examples-of-smart-learning-objectives/] - 2024-03-15 07:06:30 - public:stevetao Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489939 -
How to write SMART learning objectives in your LMS - K-20 Blog [https://www.cypherlearning.com/blog/k-20/smart-learning-objectives] - 2024-03-15 06:56:01 - public:stevetao Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489937 -
SMART – The CSE's National Sex Ed Conference [https://sexedconference.com/smart/] - 2024-03-15 06:48:16 - public:stevetao Goal, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489935 -
How to Set up and Run a Sales Mentorship Program [https://www.cliently.com/blog/how-to-set-up-and-run-a-sales-mentorship-program] - 2024-03-15 06:31:54 - public:stevetao Mentor, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489934 -
Writing Learning Objectives – Foundations of Instructional Design [https://id.rjhogue.name/foundations/chapter/writing-learning-objectives/] - 2024-03-15 06:28:27 - public:stevetao Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489933 -
Smart Goals | TLC | UTHSC [https://uthsc.edu/tlc/smart-goals.php] - 2024-03-15 06:26:51 - public:stevetao Goal, Learning, Learning-Outcome, SMART - 4 | id:1489932 -
‘Quick wins’ #7 – Differentiated SMART objectives | Never Stop Learning [https://neverstoplearninghub.com/2013/11/29/quick-wins-7-differentiated-smart-objectives/] - 2024-03-15 06:23:13 - public:stevetao Differentiated, Education, Learning, Objective, SMART - 5 | id:1489931 -
Orienting Students [https://www.kumc.edu/school-of-medicine/office-of-rural-medical-education/preceptors/current-preceptor-resources/orienting-students.html] - 2024-03-15 06:22:30 - public:stevetao Goal, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489930 -
How To Write SMART Goals in 5 Steps (With Examples) | Indeed.com [https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-write-smart-goals] - 2024-03-15 05:05:31 - public:stevetao Goal, SMART - 2 | id:1489928 -
Objectives and goals: Writing meaningful goals and SMART objectives - MN Dept. of Health [https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/practice/resources/phqitoolbox/objectives.html] - 2024-03-15 04:58:10 - public:stevetao Goal, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489927 -
Learning Objectives [https://cteresources.bc.edu/documentation/learning-objectives/] - 2024-03-15 04:04:07 - public:stevetao Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489926 -
How to define SMART learning objectives [http://cirugiaminimamenteinvasiva.es/SurgTTT-eLearning/index.php/en/mod3/how-to-define-smart-learning-objectives] - 2024-03-15 04:01:57 - public:stevetao Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489925 -
Developing Effective Learning Objectives | Faculty Instructional Development [https://fid.medicine.arizona.edu/preclinical/learning-objectives] - 2024-03-15 04:01:08 - public:stevetao Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489924 -
The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Framework for Writing Learning Objectives [https://tigerlearn.fhsu.edu/the-revised-blooms-taxonomy-as-a-framework-for-writing-learning-objectives/] - 2024-03-15 04:00:21 - public:stevetao Bloom, Learning-Outcome, SMART, Taxonomy - 4 | id:1489923 -
38 Examples of SMART Goals for Students (2024) [https://helpfulprofessor.com/smart-goals-examples-for-students/] - 2024-03-15 03:58:35 - public:stevetao Education, Goal, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489922 -
Are Learning Objectives SMART goals? – Cochrane's Education Taxonomy [https://cochranestaxonomy.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/are-learning-objectives-smart-goals/] - 2024-03-15 03:47:24 - public:stevetao Goal, Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 5 | id:1489920 -
Are Your Lesson-level Learning Objectives S.M.A.R.T.? « Notes on Teaching and Learning [https://sites.nd.edu/kaneb/2019/01/21/are-your-lesson-level-learning-objectives-s-m-a-r-t/] - 2024-03-15 03:44:59 - public:stevetao Education, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489918 -
Learning Objective Examples for Better Training - Venngage [https://venngage.com/blog/learning-objective-examples/] - 2024-03-15 03:07:10 - public:stevetao Education, Learning, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 5 | id:1489917 -
Shifting to Learning Outcomes | Missouri Online: Teaching [https://teaching.missouri.edu/blog/shifting-learning-outcomes] - 2024-03-15 03:03:07 - public:stevetao Education, Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 4 | id:1489916 -
Primer | A Focus on Learning Outcomes [https://afocusonlearningoutcomes.wordpress.com/primer/] - 2024-01-31 08:29:29 - public:stevetao Learning-Outcome, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489457 -
150 Powerful Action Verbs for Your SMART Goals - Success in Depth [https://successindepth.com/action-verbs-for-smart-goals/] - 2024-01-05 02:51:04 - public:stevetao Goal, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489043 -
Goal-Setting Concepts - Success in Depth [https://successindepth.com/category/goal-setting/] - 2024-01-05 02:50:07 - public:stevetao Goal, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489042 -
More Alternatives to SMART Goals – UDLABPRODUCTS [https://udlabproducts.com/blogs/planners-and-organizers/more-alternatives-to-smart-goals] - 2024-01-05 02:47:20 - public:stevetao Goal, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489041 -
SMART Goals Quick Overview with 21 SMART Goals Examples - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elJcG83m-qg] - 2024-01-05 02:45:49 - public:stevetao Goal, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489040 -
7 Proven Alternatives to SMART Goals [https://www.developgoodhabits.com/smart-goals-alternative/] - 2024-01-05 02:45:05 - public:stevetao Goal, Objective, SMART - 3 | id:1489038 -