iPad Apps are Beautiful /by @42concepts [http://42concepts.com/design/ipad-apps-are-beautiful] - 2012-02-16 19:03:18 - public:time apps, design, ipad, style, ui - 5 | id:2415 -
A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design [http://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesign/] - 2011-11-09 21:06:29 - public:time design, future, HCI, inspiration, interaction, ui, ux - 7 | id:2509 - Pictures under glass sux.
Duokan – the alternative Kindle OS – in english – flip's [http://flip.netzbeben.de/2010/11/duokan-available-with-english-gui-today/] - 2011-09-06 20:32:48 - public:time ebooks, hack, hacks, kindle, UI - 5 | id:2600 -
UX Myths [http://uxmyths.com/] - 2011-02-02 09:02:21 - public:time blog, design, myths, reference, ui, usability, userexperience, web, webdesign - 9 | id:2907 -
Creating Passionate Users: Don't make the Demo look Done [http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2006/12/dont_make_the_d.html] - 2010-04-29 15:05:00 - public:time design, development, gui, management, presentation, psychology, software, UI - 8 | id:3298 -
10 Usability Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit [http://line25.com/articles/10-usability-crimes-you-really-shouldnt-commit] - 2009-12-10 06:13:23 - public:time bestpractice, design, tips, ui, usability, web, webdesign - 7 | id:3484 -
User Interface Design For Programmers - Joel on Software [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/printerFriendly/uibook/fog0000000249.html] - 2009-12-10 06:03:19 - public:time accessibility, blog, design, gui, interface, joelonsoftware, programming, software, UI, usability, userinterface - 11 | id:3485 -