Xbase File Format Description [http://www.manmrk.net/tutorials/database/xbase/index.html] - 2023-09-18 10:31:20 - public:stevetao File, Format, XBase - 3 | id:1484590 -
Xbase: Clipper Index Files (*.ntx) [http://www.manmrk.net/tutorials/database/xbase/ntx.html] - 2023-09-18 10:30:14 - public:stevetao File, Format, Index, XBase - 4 | id:1484589 -
dBASE File Format (with coding details): DBF and DBT/FPT file structure | Independent Software [https://www.independent-software.com/dbase-dbf-dbt-file-format.html] - 2023-09-18 10:18:52 - public:stevetao Database, File, Format, XBase - 4 | id:1484588 -
CDX(), MDX(), NDX() | Hacker’s Guide to Visual FoxPro [https://hackfox.github.io/section4/s4g040.html] - 2023-09-18 10:17:05 - public:stevetao Database, File, Format, Index, XBase - 5 | id:1484587 -