RIDING THE WIND [http://antonkrupicka.blogspot.com/] - 2011-07-07 13:36:24 - public:rocketjam barefoot, blog, running - 3 | id:73549 -
STEM Footwear: Barefoot & Ultra-Minimalist Lifestyle - Barefoot Shoes [http://www.stemfootwear.com/index.html] - 2011-06-21 20:37:58 - public:rocketjam barefoot, health, running - 3 | id:73553 -
EcoNomads LiBaware - Library of Awareness [http://libaware.economads.com/index.php] - 2010-12-03 22:10:10 - public:rocketjam activism, barefoot, health - 3 | id:73601 -
Minimalist Shoe [http://minimalist-shoe.com/] - 2010-11-23 22:45:20 - public:rocketjam barefoot, running - 2 | id:73605 -
America's Podiatrist [http://www.americaspodiatrist.com/] - 2010-09-15 19:29:22 - public:rocketjam barefoot, feet, health, running - 4 | id:73621 -
Research of Steven Robbins, MD [http://www.stevenrobbinsmd.com/] - 2010-08-12 21:32:37 - public:rocketjam barefoot, research, running - 3 | id:73634 -
Society for Barefoot Living: Key Articles [http://www.barefooters.org/key-works/KeyArticles.html] - 2010-04-28 19:53:29 - public:rocketjam barefoot, fitness, health - 3 | id:73682 -
Barefoot Running University [http://barefootrunninguniversity.com/] - 2010-03-23 21:55:27 - public:rocketjam barefoot, running - 2 | id:73700 -
Vibram Five Fingers News, Reviews, and Fan Forums - Birthday Shoes [http://birthdayshoes.com/] - 2010-03-18 16:34:42 - public:rocketjam barefoot, exercise, fivefingers, running - 4 | id:73706 -
Running Quest [http://www.runningquest.net/] - 2010-03-05 22:09:19 - public:rocketjam barefoot, exercise, running - 3 | id:73711 -
Barefoot Running - Run Barefoot [http://barefootrunning.ning.com/] - 2010-03-04 23:17:16 - public:rocketjam barefoot, running - 2 | id:73714 -
BORN TO RUN - OFFICIAL FAN SITE - BORNTORUN.ORG [http://borntorun.org/] - 2010-03-04 23:16:41 - public:rocketjam barefoot, running - 2 | id:73715 -