
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing zhesto's Bookmarks

c delete ,

[http://www.fifsoft.com/relo/] - - public:zhesto
c, programming, windows - 3 | id:20646 -

open source C/C++ Integrated Development Environment for Windows

[http://www.spinellis.gr/sw/unix/socketpipe/] - - public:zhesto
c, programming, sysadmin - 3 | id:20738 -

connects over a TCP/IP socket a remote command specified to a local input generation command and/or a local output processing command

[http://botan.randombit.net/] - - public:zhesto
c, crypto, programming - 3 | id:20930 -

C++ library implementing a variety of cryptographic algorithms and formats

[http://7ka.mipt.ru/~szh/dreamland/dreamland.c] - - public:zhesto
c, programming, security - 3 | id:21202 -

drop privileges, chroot, and run something there

[http://sourceforge.net/projects/boundschecking/] - - public:zhesto
c, programming, security - 3 | id:21917 -

adds full, fine-grained array bounds and pointer checking to GCC (C only)

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