NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager [https://nssm.cc/] - 2022-04-12 05:13:08 - public:mepage cli, tools, windows - 3 | id:1495149 -
GitHub - sdushantha/tmpmail: A temporary email right from your terminal written in POSIX sh [https://github.com/sdushantha/tmpmail] - 2021-12-17 18:01:50 - public:mepage bash, cli, email, tools - 4 | id:1495204 -
Configuring the AWS CLI - AWS Command Line Interface [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html] - 2018-10-04 03:49:21 - public:mepage aws, cli, development - 3 | id:1495755 -
HTTPie is a command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement [https://github.com/jakubroztocil/httpie] - 2015-04-27 15:38:00 - public:mepage api, cli, http, rest - 4 | id:1496119 -
prasmussen/gdrive · GitHub [https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive] - 2015-04-09 07:47:38 - public:mepage cli, drive, github, google, googledrive, linux - 6 | id:1496134 -
What are useful command-line network monitors on Linux - Xmodulo [http://xmodulo.com/useful-command-line-network-monitors-linux.html] - 2015-01-09 15:10:04 - public:mepage cli, linux, network, networking - 4 | id:1496192 -
KpyM Telnet/SSH Server [http://www.kpym.com/2/kpym/index.htm] - 2014-06-12 04:15:12 - public:mepage cli, server, ssh, windows - 4 | id:1496327 -
nload: Monitor Network Traffic and Bandwidth Usage In Real Time On a Linux/Unix Based System [http://www.cyberciti.biz/networking/nload-linux-command-to-monitor-network-traffic-bandwidth-usage/] - 2014-03-23 19:57:20 - public:mepage cli, linux, networking, performance, speedtest - 5 | id:1496417 -
inxi - A newer, better system information script for irc, administration, and system troubleshooters. - Google Project Hosting [https://code.google.com/p/inxi/] - 2014-01-09 19:40:52 - public:mepage cli, hardware, linux, utilities, utility - 5 | id:1496518 -
conemu-maximus5 - Windows Console Emulator, Far Manager plugins - Google Project Hosting [https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/] - 2013-12-05 06:02:39 - public:mepage cli, console, terminal, windows - 4 | id:1496569 -
googlecl - Command line tools for the Google Data APIs - Google Project Hosting [https://code.google.com/p/googlecl/] - 2013-12-01 14:22:19 - public:mepage api, cli, google, googleapps - 4 | id:1496570 -
rmt/navix_cli · GitHub [https://github.com/rmt/navix_cli] - 2013-01-05 20:50:51 - public:mepage cli, navix, streaming, xbmc - 4 | id:1496890 -