Learning Go in 2024; From Beginner to Senior [https://www.bytesizego.com/blog/learning-golang-2024] - 2024-03-28 16:16:13 - public:xxx coding, go, golang, learn, learning, programming - 6 | id:1490800 -
Monaspace - a few fonts for code [https://monaspace.githubnext.com/] - 2023-11-10 20:47:28 - public:xxx code, coding, downloads, fonts, free - 5 | id:1485132 -
Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022 · fast.ai [https://www.fast.ai/2022/07/21/dl-coders-22/] - 2022-07-30 14:01:56 - public:xxx ai, book, coding, course, learn, learning, machine, machinelearning, online, study - 10 | id:1221941 -
GitHub Codespaces · GitHub [https://github.com/features/codespaces] - 2021-09-11 12:40:06 - public:xxx code, coding, environment, ide, programming, remote, visualstudio, vs - 8 | id:788331 - Remote Visual Studio VS working environment IDE
The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2021 Infographic | JetBrains: Developer Tools for Professionals and Teams [https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/devecosystem-2021/] - 2021-08-08 16:44:21 - public:xxx code, coding, company, data, development, programming, state, statistics, survey - 9 | id:744686 -
Refined Blog [https://refined.blog/] - 2021-07-30 20:29:56 - public:xxx blog, bloggers, blogs, coding, cyber, cybersecurity, development, hack, hacker, hacking, list, lists, programming, security, seo - 15 | id:744598 - List of programming blogs and bloggers
Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust [https://benhoyt.com/writings/count-words/] - 2021-03-18 21:54:39 - public:xxx algorithms, c, c++, code, coding, comparison, javascript, js, performance, php, programming - 11 | id:574313 -
7 Interview Questions on JavaScript Closures. Can You Answer Them? [https://dmitripavlutin.com/javascript-closures-interview-questions/] - 2021-02-13 14:21:09 - public:xxx closure, code, coding, interview, javascript, js, questions, webdev - 8 | id:573817 -
Find Open Source By Searching, Browsing and Combining 7,000 Topics [https://awesomeopensource.com/] - 2020-07-20 08:37:59 - public:xxx coding, development, library, linux, opensource - 5 | id:351451 - Open source libraries
Maxime Euzière - learn webGL coding and programming tutorial in javascript for the browser [https://xem.github.io/articles/webgl-guide.html] - 2020-05-23 13:17:05 - public:xxx browser, coding, javascript, js, learn, programming, tutorial, tutorials, webgl - 9 | id:321507 -
RapidAPI [https://rapidapi.com/] - 2017-02-04 16:07:01 - public:xxx api, coding, development, online, tools - 5 | id:21 - List of all APIs online
flatpickr - lightweight datetimepicker & calendar [https://chmln.github.io/flatpickr/] - 2016-06-23 06:44:07 - public:xxx coding, date, dev, development, library, tools, webdev - 7 | id:54 -
DevHeb [http://www.devheb.com/] - 2014-10-27 17:03:04 - public:xxx blogs, code, coding, hebrew, programming - 5 | id:172 -
Processing.org [http://www.processing.org/] - 2014-09-02 13:11:05 - public:xxx coding, development, graphics, language, processing, programming, software, tools, visualization, web - 10 | id:182 -
hxseven/htmlSQL · GitHub [https://github.com/hxseven/htmlSQL] - 2014-03-15 17:21:54 - public:xxx coding, development, htmlsql, library, php, scraping, tools - 7 | id:225 -
HTML CHARACTER CODES [http://bohemianalps.com/tools/characters/] - 2013-11-20 20:41:22 - public:xxx character, code, coding, development, html, programming, reference, UTF8, web - 9 | id:246 -
How to test responsive designs for free | Webdesigner Depot [http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/07/how-to-test-responsive-designs-for-free/?goback=.gde_3007928_member_262427095] - 2013-08-06 12:35:02 - public:xxx coding, css, css3, design, html5, mobile, web, webdesign - 8 | id:255 - responsive css screen sizes
HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly [http://html5please.com/] - 2013-04-02 18:02:37 - public:xxx coding, crossbrowser, css3, html5, javascript, programming, support - 7 | id:291 -
jQuery.each vs. for loop · jsPerf [http://jsperf.com/jquery-each-vs-for-loop/65] - 2012-12-07 19:24:05 - public:xxx benchmarks, coding, javascript, jquery, jsperf, performance, programming - 7 | id:318 -
HTML5/CSS3 Cheatsheet [http://www.storiesinflight.com/html5/?goback=.gde_2868882_member_190278139] - 2012-12-05 07:13:08 - public:xxx canvas, cheatsheet, coding, css3, html5, programming, webdev - 7 | id:325 -
html5 laboratory - playing with audio files [http://www.html5laboratory.com/playing-with-audio-files.php] - 2010-11-29 20:04:58 - public:xxx audio, code, coding, development, html, html5, javascript, programming, sound, tutorials, web - 11 | id:613 -
Firefox addons developer guide - MDC Doc Center [https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Firefox_addons_developer_guide] - 2010-11-29 18:30:22 - public:xxx addon, books, browser, coding, css, development, extension, firefox, for:kilgore2k, guide, howto, mozilla, plugin, programming, tutorials, xpcom, xul - 17 | id:615 -
The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS | phosphorus [http://phosphorus.co/archives/the-mysterious-pseudo-class-in-css/] - 2010-09-23 13:15:52 - public:xxx coding, css, css3, development, html, programming, psuedo, web - 8 | id:650 -
A style guide for PHP developers | DesignLuv [http://designluv.com/input-output/tutorials/a-style-guide-for-php-developers/] - 2010-08-15 11:40:07 - public:xxx code, coding, conventions, development, php, programming - 6 | id:682 -
25 Incredibly Useful CSS Snippets for Developers [http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/development/useful-css-snippets/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+1stwebdesigner+%281stwebdesigner%29] - 2010-08-09 17:03:06 - public:xxx code, coding, css, css3, design, development, hack, howto, html, programming, resources, snippets, tips, tricks, web - 15 | id:688 -
Microsoft België & Luxemburg - MSDN - Styles and triggers in WPF [http://www.microsoft.com/belux/msdn/nl/community/columns/gillcleeren/wpf_stylesandtriggers.mspx] - 2010-07-08 19:30:34 - public:xxx .net, articles, c#, coding, development, msdn, programming, reference, style, triggers, tutorials, windows, wpf, xaml - 14 | id:702 -
Detecting HTML5 Features - Dive Into HTML5 [http://diveintohtml5.org/detect.html] - 2010-04-19 19:45:46 - public:xxx browser, canvas, coding, css, detect, development, features, geolocation, howto, html, html5, javascript, programming, reference, standards, tips, tutorials, web - 18 | id:746 -