If you have AMD GPU as I do then you can grab PCI ID for the device with lspci command executed with -D flag (shows PCI doamin) and read the following file cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_slot}/mem_info_vram_total, it contains GPU VRAM size in bytes.
The correct way: flutter run -d linux --dart-entrypoint-args 'arg1 arg2' file_with_main.dart => main(List args) => args[0]=arg1, args[1]=arg2 The workaround: flutter run -d linux --dart-define=PSEUDO_ARGS='arg1 arg2' file_with_main.dart => In main, use args=String.fromEnvironment('PSEUDO_ARGS').split(' ') => args[0]=arg1, args[1]=arg2
In cron, use ``` 0 * * * * bash -l -c 'sh /my/script.sh' ``` The -l makes bash act as login shell - that is, read the owner's ~/.bash_profile (which generally reads .profile)
Command can be used to set desired_count, max_count, etc, on a service. Something like: aws ecs --cluster=goosepilot list-services; aws ecs --cluster=goosepilot update-service --service=“arn:aws:ecs:us-east-2:823978586159:service/goosepilot/goosepilot“ --desired-count=0
Shows how to build super complex useful command pipes easily with xargs
Describes the default behavior is to force target system to be the same as source system.
All TLDR clients. I use tealdeer (written in rust, zypper in tealdeer)