Let's build a virtual machine [https://pboyd.io/posts/virtual-machine/] - 2022-03-25 19:27:27 - public:xxx c++, cpp, learn, machine, programming, virtual - 6 | id:1064103 -
Compiler Explorer [https://godbolt.org/] - 2020-08-11 16:21:09 - public:xxx assembly, c, c/c++, c++, compiler, cpp, reverseengineering - 7 | id:363213 - Reverse engineer C and C++ code to assembly
Getting Started with PHP Extension Development via PHP-CPP [https://www.sitepoint.com/getting-started-php-extension-development-via-php-cpp/] - 2017-02-08 21:35:07 - public:xxx apache, cpp, development, dll, extension, modules, php - 7 | id:16 -
Gallery of Processor Cache Effects [http://igoro.com/archive/gallery-of-processor-cache-effects/] - 2014-12-29 10:09:24 - public:xxx c++, cache, caching, code, cpp, development, hardware, L1L2, memory, optimization, performance, programming - 12 | id:139 -
cplusplus.com - The C Resources Network [http://www.cplusplus.com/] - 2014-10-27 17:02:03 - public:xxx c/c++, c++, code, cplusplus, cpp, development, learn, programming, reference, tutorials - 10 | id:173 -
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries [http://en.highscore.de/cpp/boost/] - 2010-04-02 05:09:14 - public:xxx books, boost, c++, cpp, development, docs, free, guide, programming, reference, tutorials - 11 | id:771 -