Commabot - Online CSV Editor [] - 2024-05-29 17:58:24 - public:xxx ai, company, copycat, csv, editor, excel, online, sheet - 8 | id:1492191 -
YS-L/csvlens: Command line csv viewer [] - 2024-01-11 20:25:10 - public:xxx cli, commandline, csv, excel, terminal, viewer - 6 | id:1489207 -
CSV Sense - Online CSV Editor - Online CSV Viewer - Online Data Visualisation Tool [] - 2023-12-16 09:29:37 - public:xxx competition, copycat, csv, docs, excel, freesheet, google - 7 | id:1486995 -
GitHub - jmaister/excellentexport: Javascript export to Excel [] - 2022-01-28 21:18:12 - public:xxx csv, excel, export, generator, javascript, library, office, xls - 8 | id:1016230 -
Miller 6.0.0 Documentation - commandline tool to convert csv and tsv and json files [] - 2021-12-31 22:34:49 - public:xxx commandline, converter, csv, json, terminal, tsv - 6 | id:980393 -
GitHub - johnkerl/miller: Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON [] - 2021-09-15 14:30:43 - public:xxx cli, commandline, csv, grep, json - 5 | id:788366 -
Retool | Developer Utilities [] - 2021-07-22 14:06:25 - public:xxx csv, data, database, developer, fake, json, mockup, tools - 8 | id:742090 - Developer Utilities csv json databases mockup data
catdoc and xls2csv - free MS-Office format readers [] - 2010-07-27 08:30:58 - public:xxx catdoc, cli, conversion, convert, converter, csv, doc, excel, format, linux, microsoft, msword, office, programming, software, text, tools, utilities, word, xls - 20 | id:695 -