Self Handbook [] - 2014-01-26 23:12:22 - public:megatux documentation, languages, oop, programming, self, vm - 6 | id:226540 -
$ command line cheat sheets [] - 2011-09-07 20:08:12 - public:megatux cheatsheet, documentation, ruby, terminal - 4 | id:226718 -
Fundamentos de jQuery - Libro gratuito de jQuery en español [] - 2011-07-19 13:18:07 - public:megatux books, documentation, jquery, online, tutorials - 5 | id:226749 -
Dive Into HTML5 [] - 2011-07-11 13:16:35 - public:megatux documentation, html, webdev - 3 | id:226752 -
Rails Searchable API Doc [] - 2011-06-24 15:46:59 - public:megatux api, documentation, rubyonrails - 3 | id:226760 -
Ruby on Rails Documentation [] - 2011-06-24 15:46:10 - public:megatux api, documentation, rubyonrails - 3 | id:226761 -
APIdock para RoR, Ruby, RSpec [] - 2011-06-16 15:15:23 - public:megatux api, development, documentation, ruby, rubyonrails - 5 | id:226770 -
Maven: The Complete Reference | Sonatype [] - 2010-12-10 17:02:44 - public:megatux books, build, documentation, java, maven - 5 | id:226830 -
Expanded Main Page - OSDev Wiki [] - 2010-11-15 19:23:21 - public:megatux computers, design, development, documentation, kernel, os, osdev, wiki - 8 | id:226858 -
ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference [] - 2010-03-21 17:12:54 - public:megatux actionscript, api, documentation, downloads, flash - 5 | id:226951 -
Diagramas y Manuales de Servicio - Club de Diagramas [] - 2009-12-23 20:51:57 - public:megatux diagramas, diy, documentation, electrnica, electronics, hardware, informatica, manuales, tech, tv - 10 | id:227030 -
SapphireSteel :: The Book Of Ruby [] - 2009-11-26 12:24:30 - public:megatux books, development, documentation, ebooks, learning, pdf, ruby - 7 | id:227041 -
SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver Documentation [] - 2009-11-10 12:42:28 - public:megatux documentation, driver, java, jdbc, microsoft, sqlserver - 6 | id:227065 -
J2SE(TM) 5.0 New Features [] - 2009-09-23 11:24:54 - public:megatux documentation, features, java, reference - 4 | id:227104 -
Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes [] - 2009-01-23 12:14:04 - public:megatux cheatsheet, documentation, tutorials - 3 | id:227354 -
Software Preservation Group — Software Preservation Group [] - 2008-12-04 16:09:18 - public:megatux computerscience, documentation, history, museum, science, software - 6 | id:227396 -
Linux Kernel Documentation :: kernel-parameters.txt [] - 2008-11-30 12:16:29 - public:megatux documentation, kernel, linux, tips - 4 | id:227399 -
pldoc: Utility for generating PL/SQL code documentation [] - 2008-03-17 12:10:24 - public:megatux Database, development, documentation, oracle, plsql, programming, SQA, tools - 8 | id:227600 - like javadoc
TestDox - TestDox [] - 2008-03-01 13:34:57 - public:megatux Agile, bdd, documentation, Java, junit, Testing, tools - 7 | id:227635 -
JDiff - An HTML Report of API Differences [] - 2008-01-31 16:56:54 - public:megatux api, diff, documentation, java, QA, tools - 6 | id:227675 -
Guía Práctica sobre Software Libre, su selección y aplicación local en América Latina y el Caribe [] - 2007-11-22 20:00:30 - public:megatux advocacy, documentation, OpenSource - 3 | id:227778 -
Taringa! - Configurar módem Huawei en Ubuntu 7.04 [] - 2007-10-13 19:30:20 - public:megatux documentation, driver, Tutorials, ubuntu - 4 | id:227852 -
LIFIA - Facultad Informática [] - 2007-10-12 13:56:18 - public:megatux computer-science, documentation, university - 3 | id:227855 -
Checkstyle - Checkstyle 4.3 [] - 2007-09-04 17:24:02 - public:megatux analysis, development, documentation, java, metrics, plugins, quality, refactoring, tools - 9 | id:227901 -
Maven - Available Plugins [] - 2007-08-28 17:13:42 - public:megatux build, documentation, Java, maven, plugins, reference - 6 | id:227915 -
Bona Fide OS Development News [] - 2007-08-11 13:00:24 - public:megatux development, documentation, kernel, os, reference, resources, Tutorials - 7 | id:227945 -
DevZuz - DOWNLOADS [] - 2007-07-20 19:29:31 - public:megatux books, build, documentation, maven, OpenSource, software - 6 | id:227969 -
Home - Maven User - Confluence [] - 2007-07-20 12:15:14 - public:megatux build, documentation, java - 3 | id:227970 -
Rails API with the AJAX flavor [] - 2007-07-09 20:51:43 - public:megatux api, development, documentation, rails, reference, ruby - 6 | id:227991 -
Ejercicios Resueltos Asimov - CBC [] - 2007-06-10 23:50:26 - public:megatux documentation, education - 2 | id:228059 -
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi [] - 2007-06-07 11:24:17 - public:megatux books, compiler, computer-science, documentation, Interpreter, languages, programming, reference - 8 | id:228067 -
Maven - Maven: The Definitive Guide (1.0 Alpha 1) - Table Of Contents [] - 2007-05-03 11:37:23 - public:megatux book, build, development, documentation, maven, reference, tools - 7 | id:228143 - [] - 2007-01-08 15:03:43 - public:megatux compiler, documentation, java, JVM, performance, reference - 6 | id:228302 -
Advanced Topics for LDAP Users) [] - 2006-12-27 18:03:29 - public:megatux documentation, laburo, ldap - 3 | id:228312 -
Lisp Machine Manual [] - 2006-11-18 14:51:12 - public:megatux documentation, functional, lisp - 3 | id:228353 -
MySQL AB :: Manual de referencia de MySQL 5.0 :: 13 Sintaxis de sentencias SQL [] - 2006-11-06 11:59:46 - public:megatux documentation, manual, reference, sql - 4 | id:228376 -
Getting Real [] - 2006-10-27 22:50:16 - public:megatux agile, books, documentation - 3 | id:228390 -
flipcode - Knowledge Base [] - 2006-09-09 23:05:22 - public:megatux documentation, gamedev, games, programming, Tutorials - 5 | id:228435 -
Documentation for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) [] - 2006-09-02 15:03:10 - public:megatux debian, documentation, howto, ubuntu - 4 | id:228467 - [] - 2006-08-30 20:07:42 - public:megatux documentation, http, network, protocol, reference, server, standard, web - 8 | id:228477 -
Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures [] - 2006-07-17 02:23:49 - public:megatux architecture, design, documentation, internet, protocol, REST, web, webservices - 8 | id:228593 -
Seguridad informática - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre [] - 2006-06-07 03:22:10 - public:megatux documentation, Security - 2 | id:228725 -
Information Security Manual - The Interactive Security Managers Guide [] - 2006-06-07 01:24:26 - public:megatux documentation, Security - 2 | id:228726 -
APM document template [] - 2006-05-28 21:48:25 - public:megatux documentation, ingenieria_soft - 2 | id:228753 -
Getting Started [ Documenting the Ruby Language] [] - 2006-03-20 15:38:19 - public:megatux documentation, reference, ruby - 3 | id:228863 -
Linux Kernel Configuration Archive [] - 2006-03-20 15:30:43 - public:megatux documentation, kernel, linux - 3 | id:228864 - lable for 28 versions on 2.0 [] - 2006-03-08 12:39:47 - public:megatux Blogs, documentation, ruby, rubyonrails - 4 | id:228887 -
The Quick Reference Site - The best resource for free Quick Reference Cards [] - 2006-02-28 14:50:10 - public:megatux books, development, documentation, reference - 4 | id:228914 -