Dynamically loading an external JavaScript or CSS file [http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/loadjavascriptcss.shtml] - 2011-09-23 19:12:22 - public:megatux code, dynamic, javascript, snippets, tips, webdev - 6 | id:226693 -
Rubinius : Use Ruby™ [http://rubini.us/] - 2011-06-24 18:04:14 - public:megatux dynamic, languages, ruby, vm - 4 | id:226757 -
Red Programming Language [http://www.red-lang.org/] - 2011-06-01 13:01:09 - public:megatux compiler, dynamic, languages - 3 | id:226787 -
Lively Kernel - Home [http://www.lively-kernel.org/] - 2010-03-30 19:41:31 - public:megatux browser, dynamic, environment, ide, javascript, library, smalltalk, sun, webdev - 9 | id:226944 -
Squirrel [http://squirrel-lang.org/] - 2010-01-19 17:08:52 - public:megatux compiler, development, dynamic, embedded, gamedev, languages, scripting - 7 | id:227003 -
JDynamiTe - Dynamic Template in Java [http://jdynamite.sourceforge.net/doc/jdynamite.html] - 2009-12-10 13:10:30 - public:megatux development, dynamic, generator, java, templates, templating, text - 7 | id:227037 -
Clojure for Java Programmers - 1 of 2 [http://blip.tv/file/982823] - 2009-10-19 01:13:10 - public:megatux clojure, dynamic, functional, jvm, languages, videos - 6 | id:227089 -
The Cobra Programming Language [http://cobra-language.com/] - 2008-10-14 14:45:22 - public:megatux .net, dynamic, languages - 3 | id:227457 - Cobra is a general purpose programming language with: * a clean, high-level syntax * static and dynamic binding * first class support for unit tests and contracts * compiled performance with scripting conveniences * ...and more
Headius: A First Taste of InvokeDynamic [http://blog.headius.com/2008/09/first-taste-of-invokedynamic.html] - 2008-09-13 23:58:54 - public:megatux article, dynamic, jruby, jvm, languages, vm - 6 | id:227486 -
Fan Programming Language [http://www.fandev.org/] - 2008-07-17 17:05:59 - public:megatux .net, dynamic, for:jvelilla, jvm, language, programming - 6 | id:227537 -
smalltalk like lang for .net & mono [http://sable-language.com/] - 2008-05-02 13:52:25 - public:megatux .net, dynamic, languages, smalltalk - 4 | id:227559 -
GNU Smalltalk | The Smalltalk for those who can type [http://smalltalk.gnu.org/] - 2008-02-02 14:58:01 - public:megatux dynamic, gnu, languages, smalltalk - 4 | id:227672 -
Introduction | Clojure [http://clojure.sourceforge.net/] - 2007-11-29 01:07:00 - public:megatux compiler, dynamic, Functional, jvm, languages, Lisp - 6 | id:227760 -
Java Tip 125: Set your timer for dynamic properties - Java World [http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javatips/jw-javatip125.html] - 2007-11-27 17:48:12 - public:megatux article, dynamic, java, properties, tips - 5 | id:227765 -
A Tour of Parrot | Linux Magazine [http://www.linux-mag.com/id/4197] - 2007-11-08 17:05:55 - public:megatux dynamic, languages, parser, vm - 4 | id:227805 -
Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming [http://norvig.com/design-patterns/index.htm] - 2007-05-21 11:55:59 - public:megatux design, dynamic, patterns, programming - 4 | id:228103 -
Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming [http://norvig.com/design-patterns/ppframe.htm] - 2007-05-18 19:49:56 - public:megatux Design, dynamic, patterns, programming - 4 | id:228111 -
Dylan: Overview [http://www.opendylan.org/] - 2007-02-23 02:31:40 - public:megatux compiler, dynamic, functional, languages, oop, programming - 6 | id:228244 -
ShowMeDo [http://showmedo.com/] - 2006-11-26 00:41:02 - public:megatux blogs, dynamic, languages, Learning, linux, podcast, scripting, technology, Tutorials, videos - 10 | id:228347 -
Mnesia User's Guide [http://erlang.org/doc/doc-5.5.1/lib/mnesia-4.3.2/doc/html/part_frame.html] - 2006-09-09 21:38:24 - public:megatux database, dynamic, erlang, languages, library - 5 | id:228442 -
MetaL - MetaL: An XML based Meta-Programming language [http://www.meta-language.net/] - 2006-06-25 19:43:20 - public:megatux dynamic, Languages, programming - 3 | id:228670 -
HLVM: HLVM Overview [http://hlvm.org/] - 2006-06-19 01:49:03 - public:megatux compiler, dynamic, languages, programming, vm - 5 | id:228688 - High Level Virtual Machine
Adding Dynamic Interfaces to Smalltalk [http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2002_05/article1] - 2006-04-23 00:55:58 - public:megatux agile, design, dynamic, smalltalk, software, typing - 6 | id:228829 -