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[http://www.zabaware.com/empeg/] - - public:time
audio, empeg, TTS - 3 | id:4605 -

TTS Clock is a simple bash script for the Empeg Rio Car that will speak out loud the weekday, month, day, and time using prerecorded files a few seconds after ignition. Click here to here a sample of it speaking in MP3.

[http://www.mikewinter.org/musicmuppet/] - - public:time
audio, empeg, mp3, Rio, software - 5 | id:4662 -

The chief benefit of this is that one no longer needs any server software running on a host PC, aside from whatever is necessary to boot the receiver, and a web server to serve the music.

[http://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads/dosearch.php?Cat=0&Forum=All_Forums&Words=&daterange=1&newertype=d&newerval=1&Limit=25&fromsearch=1] - - public:time
empeg, forums, mp3, music, Rio, tech - 6 | id:5613 -

The definitive site for Empeg information.

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