manuq/pathagar ยท GitHub [] - 2012-04-09 01:58:01 - public:speqz ebooks, epub, server - 3 | id:252147 -
Monocle - Books in the browser [] - 2012-04-08 21:55:50 - public:speqz ebooks, epub, javascript, opensource, reader - 5 | id:252153 -
threepress - Bookworm ePub reader and other open-source publishing tools - Google Project Hosting [] - 2012-04-04 05:18:21 - public:speqz django, ebooks, epub, python - 4 | id:252162 -
lib - Python library to extract 'epub' information - Stack Overflow [] - 2012-03-30 05:14:49 - public:speqz epub, python - 2 | id:252170 -