All Europeans 🇪🇺: “Hey guys, it's our very first …“ - Mastodon [] - 2025-03-25 20:57:14 - public:mzimmerm alternative, degoogle, email, europe - 4 | id:1517933 -
Time to ditch US tech services, says Dutch parliament • The Register [] - 2025-03-23 05:59:47 - public:mzimmerm degoogle, europe, technology - 3 | id:1517916 -
European Commission, official website - European Commission [] - 2025-03-20 19:57:15 - public:mzimmerm daily, eu, europe, news - 4 | id:1517759 -
Privacy-Respecting European Tech Alternatives - Privacy Guides [] - 2025-03-19 23:11:34 - public:mzimmerm alternative, degoogle, europe, technology - 4 | id:1517750 -
European tech industry coalition calls for 'radical action' on digital sovereignty — starting with buying local | TechCrunch [] - 2025-03-18 02:15:08 - public:mzimmerm buy, degoogle, europe, local, todo - 5 | id:1517722 -
European alternatives for popular services | European Alternatives [] - 2025-03-12 04:17:47 - public:mzimmerm alternative, degoogle, europe, good, technology, todo - 6 | id:1517667 -
Plausible · [] - 2025-03-10 19:19:33 - public:mzimmerm degoogle, europe, fediverse - 3 | id:1517660 -
Cash Only: Evropský Green Deal je nereálný, varuje nejen vědec Václav Smil - Seznam Zprávy [] - 2024-10-27 17:28:53 - public:mzimmerm europe, global, warm - 3 | id:1509305 -
Homepage | European Alternatives [] - 2024-08-02 17:47:09 - public:mzimmerm alternative, europe, host, web - 4 | id:1492670 - European alternatives for computing platforms
How the EU works: who runs the EU? – Full Fact [] - 2024-07-18 13:28:34 - public:mzimmerm eu, europe, government, structure - 4 | id:1492560 -
Qualified website authentication certificate - Wikipedia [] - 2023-11-27 22:52:11 - public:mzimmerm authenticate, europe, privacy, security, web - 5 | id:1485330 -
Europe’s space telescope launches to target universe’s dark mysteries – [] - 2023-07-04 00:29:50 - public:mzimmerm dark, energy, europe, matter, space - 5 | id:1473349 -
Historian Timothy Snyder on the Ukraine War and Germany's Role - Russia Vs World [] - 2023-03-13 04:27:58 - public:mzimmerm europe, good, people.snyder.timothy, ukraine - 4 | id:1377995 -
A Speech to Europe 2019 | Timothy Snyder - Judenplatz 1010 - YouTube [] - 2023-02-17 06:22:41 - public:mzimmerm best, europe, good, history, people.snyder.timothy - 5 | id:1301863 -
EU countries reach common position on the Chips Act – [] - 2022-12-09 06:14:37 - public:mzimmerm chip, computer, cpu, czech, economy, europe, good - 7 | id:1294598 -
Nava Gazeta EU [] - 2022-04-26 21:06:06 - public:mzimmerm europe, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1097961 -
GuildHall - Новости гибридной войны [] - 2022-04-23 18:15:55 - public:mzimmerm europe, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1097911 -
A population Hub out of Africa explains East Asian lineages in Europe 45,000 years ago [] - 2022-04-09 06:22:55 - public:mzimmerm europe, history, human - 3 | id:1074502 -
LNG project in Canada’s east could be sped up to supply Europe - BNN Bloomberg [] - 2022-03-29 02:25:01 - public:mzimmerm business, canada, energy, europe - 4 | id:1064128 -
European Processor Initiative Receives First EPAC RISC-V Sample Chips for Testing | Tom's Hardware [] - 2021-09-22 17:20:17 - public:mzimmerm cpu, europe, riscv - 3 | id:795023 -