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[http://evmeme.com/2012/03/remember-that-masterpiece-of-british-engineering-it-broke-again/] - - public:MacAaron
evaoc - 1 | id:1512171 -

Back when it debuted in December, the new Routemaster bus, designed completely in the United Kingdom and touted as a “masterpiece of British engineering“, broke down on its maiden voyage because those Brit engineers forgot to put fuel in it. Now, just a couple of months after its debut, the bus is in the news again. With another breakdown.

[http://evmeme.com/2012/04/yet-again-politics-get-in-the-way-or-do-they/] - - public:MacAaron
evaoc - 1 | id:1512172 -

CODA Automotive has announced that they’re abandoning plans to build a lithium-ion battery factory in Columbus, Ohio. This because long delays have made it clear that the Department of Energy (DOE) will not likely act on their $500-million loan application for the project. The Columbus Dispatch blames the issue on the DOE, the administration, and politics.

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