27 U.S. States North of Canada -- Map [http://barelybad.com/north_of_canada_map.htm#states_entirely_north] - 2014-05-06 06:07:57 - public:time canada, facts, maps, mtow - 4 | id:1878 -
Can You Make It Through This Post Without Having Your Mind Blown? [http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/can-you-make-it-through-this-post-with-having-your] - 2012-09-18 23:50:24 - public:time facts, interesting, mtow - 3 | id:2231 -
1970S | Retronaut [http://www.retronaut.co/category/1970s/] - 2012-02-15 10:33:15 - public:time 1970s, facts, history, mtow - 4 | id:2419 -
Fun With Maps: Seven Peculiar U.S. Borders | The Awl [http://www.theawl.com/2011/06/fun-with-maps-seven-peculiar-u-s-borders] - 2011-06-30 07:03:01 - public:time facts, maps, mtow - 3 | id:2677 -
Time Well Spent | Futility Closet [http://www.futilitycloset.com/2010/08/14/time-well-spent/?ref=nf] - 2010-11-17 17:58:11 - public:time facts, magicsquare, math, primes - 4 | id:2989 -
YouTube - Did You Know? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL9Wu2kWwSY] - 2009-12-03 06:04:06 - public:time education, facts, future, information, statistics, technology - 6 | id:3489 -