
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing mzimmerm's Bookmarks

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[https://rss-parrot.net/] - - public:mzimmerm
fediverse, mastodon - 2 | id:1517654 -

1. Mention @birb@rss-parrot.net in a toot with the address of the site you want to follow. 2.RSS Parrot looks up the link in your toot, reads the website, and retrieves the address of its RSS or Atom feed. If this is the first time the site is requested, RSS Parrot creates a new account dedicated to it. This account will send out a new toot every time a new post appears in the feed.

[https://bsky.app/profile/ap.brid.gy] - - public:mzimmerm
bluesky, bluesky-to-fediverse, bridge, fediverse - 4 | id:1510318 -

Existing Bluesky acccount @milan-zimmermann.bsky.social -> Fediverse bridged account @milan-zimmermann@bsky.brid.gy: - From Bluesky account @milan-zimmermann.bsky.social, follow account @ap.brid.gy (note: 'ap' is a ActivityPub/Fediverse speaking account on 'brid.gy') - Fediverse users will see you as @milan-zimmermann.bsky.social@bsky.brid.gy (note: 'bsky' means a Bluesky-fed account on 'brid.gy'

[https://mastodon.social/@bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy] - - public:mzimmerm
bridge, fediverse, mastodon, mastodon-to-bluesky - 4 | id:1510314 -

Existing Fediverse acccount @milan_zimmermann@mastodon.social -> Bluesky bridged account @milan_zimmermann.mastodon.social.ap.brid.gy: - From Mastodon account @milan_zimmermann@mastodon.social, follow account @bsky.brid.gy@bsky.brid.gy (note: 'bsky' is a Bluesky speaking account on 'brid.gy') - Bluesky users will see you as @milan_zimmermann.mastodon.social.ap.brid.gy (note: 'ap' is a ActivityPub-fed account on 'brid.gy'

[https://newatlas.com/what-is-the-fediverse/56385/] - - public:mzimmerm
activitypub, fediverse, protocol - 3 | id:1294389 -

Any app that implements ActivityPub becomes part of a massive social network, one that conserves user choice and tears down walled gardens. Imagine if you could log into Facebook and see posts from your friends on Instagram and Twitter, without needing an Instagram or Twitter account.“

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