
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing megatux's Bookmarks

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[https://mail.google.com/mail/x/1dbb4x45049f8/?auth=DQAAAKIAAAAygtcYTgfMPBGEUoLem_fSbkInWEPbfs9y9KpEKCYeImlS2oyKp9ELTH2cBlpDcWiOqcG9Edgp7yc1L_jKWVmp0Tiy53xEgUtSfyCpi5dSvKKMIAHQ-5e-p92kARFlmdiiXAJ-BJMIFJ_bo7cfHSts8kFItOdQoulQxFAmjhJwwVEYX151LV9uZBWqvYTcDrey] - - public:megatux
gmail, google, links, mobile, phone - 5 | id:227098 -

[http://zumastor.googlepages.com/] - - public:megatux
cluster, enterprise, google, Linux, samba, storage - 6 | id:228042 -

Zumastor is a community project started by Google members to bring enterprise storage features to Linux. Currently, we offer a network storage server with enterprise features such as online volume backup, multiple volume snapshots, remote volume replicati

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