Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential | Union of International Associations [http://www.uia.be/encyclopedia] - 2011-11-23 21:43:55 - public:rocketjam humanity, reference - 2 | id:73508 -
Full text - Ascent of Humanity [http://www.ascentofhumanity.com/text.php] - 2009-09-01 21:51:16 - public:rocketjam anthropology, books, history, humanity, philosophy, reference, spirituality - 7 | id:73824 -
The Ascent of Humanity [http://www.ascentofhumanity.com/] - 2008-09-09 19:46:18 - public:rocketjam books, consciousness, culture, humanity, philosophy - 5 | id:74121 -
SATAN ON WAR (title) [http://www.abrupt.org/LOGOS/sow/sowtit.html] - 2005-11-30 22:09:43 - public:rocketjam humanity, religion, war - 3 | id:75293 -