David Foster Wallace: An Appreciation by David Gates - Newsweek [http://www.newsweek.com/2008/09/13/david-foster-wallace-1962-2008.html] - 2011-06-26 21:01:41 - public:ghiberti dfw, epitaph, journalism, writing - 4 | id:282117 -
John Jeremiah Sullivan Reviews David Foster Wallace's Last Novel, 'The Pale King': Books: GQ [http://www.gq.com/entertainment/books/201105/david-foster-wallace-the-pale-king-john-jeremiah-sullivan] - 2011-04-04 22:24:45 - public:ghiberti dfw, federer, journalism, writing - 4 | id:282139 -
Roger Federer as Religious Experience - Tennis - New York Times [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/20/sports/playmagazine/20federer.html?ei=5090&en=716968175e36505e&ex=1313726400&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&pagewanted=all] - 2010-10-08 15:20:57 - public:ghiberti dfw, journalism, nytime, tennis, writing - 5 | id:282156 -
David Foster Wallace's struggle to surpass Infinite Jest : The New Yorker [http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/03/09/090309fa_fact_max?currentPage=all] - 2010-09-07 11:31:42 - public:ghiberti books, davidfosterwallace, dfw, journalism, literature, writing - 6 | id:282163 -
Author, author | Books | guardian.co.uk [http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/series/authorauthor] - 2008-12-01 12:16:11 - public:ghiberti author_author, guardian, journalism, literature, poetry, writing - 6 | id:282238 - Writers reflect on writing
BBC NEWS | dot.life | A blog about technology from BBC News | Twitter and the China earthquake [http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/technology/2008/05/twitter_and_the_china_earthqua.html] - 2008-05-12 09:23:04 - public:ghiberti China, earthquake, journalism, swagged, sweettweet, Twitter - 6 | id:282395 -
| Lawgarithms | ZDNet.com [http://blogs.zdnet.com/Howell/] - 2007-10-26 21:17:44 - public:ghiberti blog, denise+howell, journalism, law, technology, zdnet - 6 | id:282659 -
Brad Stone - The New York Times [http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/s/brad_stone/index.html] - 2007-10-26 21:15:33 - public:ghiberti blog, journalism, nytime, technology - 4 | id:282660 - Recent and archived news articles by Brad Stone of The New York Times.