Daniel Kunin [http://daniel-kunin.com/] - 2017-03-09 09:20:57 - public:lowly animation, math, statistics, visualization, web - 5 | id:178330 -
Integral Table [http://integral-table.com/] - 2016-05-23 21:00:17 - public:lowly education, integral, math - 3 | id:178418 -
webdemo.myscript.com/#/demo/equation [http://webdemo.myscript.com/#/demo/equation] - 2015-12-16 14:27:36 - public:lowly equations, math, maths, stylus, tablet - 5 | id:178502 -
Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition [http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html] - 2015-12-16 14:25:52 - public:lowly drawing, latex, math, maths, symbol, tex, tools - 7 | id:178503 -
soft question - Visually stunning math concepts which are easy to explain - Mathematics Stack Exchange [http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/733754/visually-stunning-math-concepts-which-are-easy-to-explain] - 2015-11-04 11:01:01 - public:lowly education, kids, math, maths, visualization - 5 | id:178551 -
MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference - Mathematics Meta Stack Exchange [http://meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/5020/mathjax-basic-tutorial-and-quick-reference] - 2015-10-13 15:06:38 - public:lowly LATEX, math, mathjax, mathml, maths, tutorial - 6 | id:178570 -
Exo7 : Cours et exercices de mathématiques [http://exo7.emath.fr/index.html] - 2015-09-09 15:06:03 - public:lowly exercices, math, maths, mpsi - 4 | id:178604 -
Rubik Solve - Solve Your Cube In Less Than 25 Moves [http://rubiksolve.com/] - 2015-01-08 15:00:56 - public:lowly games, math, online, rubikscube, toys, tutorial - 6 | id:178793 -
New mathematical law found to beautifully explain crowd phenomena [http://thespeaker.co/new-mathematical-law-found-beautifully-explain-crowd-phenomena/] - 2014-12-18 15:38:54 - public:lowly crowd, math - 2 | id:178804 -
MathPapa [http://www.mathpapa.com/] - 2014-12-18 15:32:20 - public:lowly education, equation, graph, help, kids, math, online, problemsolver, solve - 9 | id:178805 -