On Hacking MicroSD Cards « bunnie's blog [http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=3554] - 2013-12-31 09:44:23 - public:time flashmemory, hack, hacking, hardware, memory, microcontroller, microsd, sdcard, security - 9 | id:1928 -
Time on the Brain: How You Are Always Living In the Past, and Other Quirks of Perception | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network [http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2011/09/15/time-on-the-brain-how-you-are-always-living-in-the-past-and-other-quirks-of-perception/] - 2013-10-02 05:25:32 - public:time brain, future, memory, neuroscience, perception, physics, science, ssa, time - 9 | id:1972 -
PE101 a Windows executable walkthrough [http://i.imgur.com/tnUca.jpg] - 2013-03-06 06:30:29 - public:time coding, compsci, diy, memory, programming, window - 6 | id:2106 - A dissected Portable Executable break down to a memory map.
Unbreakable crypto: Store a 30-character password in your brain’s subconscious memory | ExtremeTech [http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/133067-unbreakable-crypto-store-a-30-character-password-in-your-brains-subconscious-memory] - 2012-07-20 07:04:22 - public:time brian, crypto, memory, passwords, subconscious - 5 | id:2276 -
How Long Does a Flash Drive Last? - Josh's Blog [http://www.bress.net/blog/archives/114-How-Long-Does-a-Flash-Drive-Last.html] - 2010-10-26 19:19:47 - public:time filesystem, flash, flashdrive, hardware, lifespan, memory, storage, usb - 8 | id:3007 -
High Scalability - High Scalability - How will memristors change everything? [http://highscalability.com/blog/2010/5/5/how-will-memristors-change-everything.html] - 2010-05-12 00:08:40 - public:time computerscience, electronics, future, memory, Memristors, storage - 6 | id:3283 -
Close the Book. Recall. Write It Down. - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education [http://chronicle.com/article/Close-the-Book-Recall-Write/31819] - 2010-02-09 06:05:48 - public:time cogsci, education, hacks, learning, lifehacks, memory, mindhacks, study - 8 | id:3431 -
Educating mind and body I: Body affects memory | Psychology Today [http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/200908/educating-mind-and-body-i-body-affects-memory] - 2009-08-28 18:09:34 - public:time brain, hacks, learning, memory, mind, psychology - 6 | id:3613 -
VSuite Ramdisk Overview (Romex Software) [http://www.romexsoftware.com/main/products/vsuite.html] - 2009-06-08 20:15:01 - public:time freeware, memory, ramdisk, system, tweaks, utilities - 6 | id:3668 -
Windows Vista x64 Registry Cleaner Freeware, Windows XP Professional Tweaking Program [http://www.tweaknow.com/powerPack.html] - 2009-06-08 20:14:03 - public:time freeware, memory, system, tweaks, utilities - 5 | id:3669 -
The Brain [http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/index_d.html] - 2008-08-20 06:17:45 - public:time memory, mind, philosophy, psychology, reference, science, web2.0 - 7 | id:4067 -
MyLifeBits Project - Microsoft BARC Media Presence Group [http://research.microsoft.com/barc/MediaPresence/MyLifeBits.aspx] - 2008-04-10 04:53:37 - public:time annotation, archive, memex, memory, mylifebits, storage - 6 | id:4165 -
Was Ivan the Terrible Really "Terrible"? (or, Why We Should Build a Memory Archive) || kuro5hin.org [http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2005/11/28/18192/715] - 2005-12-08 17:49:57 - public:time lifehacks, memory, storage, technology - 4 | id:5222 -
CNN.com - Tricks to remembering names - Jul 22, 2005 [http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/Careers/07/22/names/] - 2005-10-17 03:23:56 - public:time howto, lifehacks, memory, social, tips - 5 | id:5363 -