TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News [] - 2025-03-24 20:29:41 - public:mzimmerm daily, news, techcrunch, technology - 4 | id:1517925 -
Pivot to AI – It can't be that stupid, you must be prompting it wrong [] - 2025-03-23 06:02:14 - public:mzimmerm ai, daily, news - 3 | id:1517917 -
European Commission, official website - European Commission [] - 2025-03-20 19:57:15 - public:mzimmerm daily, eu, europe, news - 4 | id:1517759 -
FOSS Force - Keeping tech free [] - 2025-03-19 17:40:27 - public:mzimmerm daily, foss, news - 3 | id:1517747 -
Home - Your Unbiased News Source - SMERCONISH [] - 2025-03-02 01:48:46 - public:mzimmerm daily, news - 2 | id:1517584 -
Welcome to [] [] - 2024-12-27 05:56:02 - public:mzimmerm daily, linux, news - 3 | id:1513095 -
Tech - Tips, Tricks and Hacks for Doing Everything Better | Lifehacker [] - 2024-12-17 18:02:16 - public:mzimmerm daily, news, technology - 3 | id:1512626 -
Task & Purpose - YouTube [] - 2024-12-17 04:39:50 - public:mzimmerm daily, news, video - 3 | id:1512625 -
App of the Week - It's FOSS News [] - 2024-12-01 18:01:51 - public:mzimmerm app, foss, linux, news - 4 | id:1510519 -
(3454) Professor Gerdes Explains 🇺🇦 - YouTube [] - 2024-12-01 06:11:20 - public:mzimmerm daily, good, news, ukraine - 4 | id:1510518 -
Breaking News USA – Breaking News For Real Americans [] - 2024-12-01 05:29:00 - public:mzimmerm daily, news, usa - 3 | id:1510517 - News in text - only!
Ukraine-Forum: Infos, Tipps und Diskussionen zur Ukraine - Foren-Übersicht [] - 2024-11-30 07:12:02 - public:mzimmerm german, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1510511 -
(3389) Azul - YouTube [] - 2024-11-30 07:08:59 - public:mzimmerm economy, investment, news, todo, video - 5 | id:1510510 - Investment
KEWL🌀NEWS – Know 🌀 Educate 🌀 Wonder 🌀 Learn [] - 2024-11-28 04:09:34 - public:mzimmerm news - 1 | id:1510482 -
Disinfolklore | Decoding Trolls | Substack [] - 2024-11-16 19:13:15 - public:mzimmerm decodingtrolls, disinfolklore, disinformation, good, news, ukraine - 6 | id:1510352 -
Ukraine Today .org – Today we are all Ukrainian [] - 2024-10-29 21:54:52 - public:mzimmerm news, ukraine, war - 3 | id:1509324 -
Estimated Russian losses from 24.02.2022 to 28.09.2024 (Day 948) : RussianLosses [] - 2024-09-28 05:34:38 - public:mzimmerm loss, news, track, ukraine - 4 | id:1497744 -
slowroll - openSUSE News [] - 2024-09-13 18:23:38 - public:mzimmerm news, opensuse, slowroll - 3 | id:1492976 -
(139) Jake Broe - YouTube [] - 2024-07-30 02:43:05 - public:mzimmerm good, news, ukraine, video - 4 | id:1492647 -
All news about Ukraine - Euromaidan Press [] - 2024-07-23 04:28:36 - public:mzimmerm news, ukraine - 2 | id:1492588 -
Euromaidan Press: Ukrainian News in English, News from Ukraine [] - 2024-07-15 23:54:45 - public:mzimmerm news, ukraine - 2 | id:1492550 -
Online news feed – all news about the latest events in Ukraine and the world on Censor.NET | Censor.NET [] - 2024-06-29 10:45:41 - public:mzimmerm good, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1492440 -
Ukraine Frontline report Archives - Euromaidan Press [] - 2024-06-12 22:40:58 - public:mzimmerm good, news, ukraine, war - 4 | id:1492350 -
Deutche Welle News - YouTube [] - 2024-05-13 04:49:44 - public:mzimmerm german, news - 2 | id:1492040 -
Ukraine - aktuelle Nachrichten | [] - 2024-04-27 05:12:20 - public:mzimmerm german, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1491123 -
(96) Quantum 101 - Quantum Science Explained - YouTube [] - 2024-04-16 19:21:37 - public:mzimmerm news, perimeter, quantum - 3 | id:1490979 -
The Times of Israel | News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World [] - 2024-04-13 19:22:27 - public:mzimmerm israel, news - 2 | id:1490957 -
(8) Russian Media Monitor - YouTube [] - 2024-04-02 05:36:06 - public:mzimmerm news, ukraine - 2 | id:1490830 -
(193) Fireship - YouTube [] - 2024-03-02 06:40:56 - public:mzimmerm good, news, software, todo - 4 | id:1489718 -
Pressenza - International Press Agency [] - 2024-03-01 00:32:16 - public:mzimmerm german, international, news - 3 | id:1489700 - International news in German and all languages.
UAWire [] - 2024-02-25 17:30:12 - public:mzimmerm good, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1489633 -
(153) The Telegraph - YouTube [] - 2024-02-23 07:40:50 - public:mzimmerm news, ukraine - 2 | id:1489615 -
The Register: Enterprise Technology News and Analysis [] - 2024-02-18 07:15:02 - public:mzimmerm daily, news, technology, theregister - 4 | id:1489569 - - Stock Screener [] - 2024-01-03 20:54:07 - public:mzimmerm good, invest, news, visual - 4 | id:1489017 -
Physics - spotlighting exceptional research [] - 2024-01-03 18:48:50 - public:mzimmerm news, physics - 2 | id:1489015 -
Tracking information about the Russian War against Ukraine [] - 2024-01-01 19:34:37 - public:mzimmerm good, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1489001 -
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [] - 2023-11-29 20:06:01 - public:mzimmerm news - 1 | id:1485366 -
Aktuelle Nachrichten kostenlos per Video-on-Demand | Euronews [] - 2023-11-24 17:32:52 - public:mzimmerm german, good, news, todo - 4 | id:1485292 - News in German
Global News | Breaking, Latest News and Video for Canada [] - 2023-11-16 06:50:05 - public:mzimmerm canada, news - 2 | id:1485168 -
Fred’s Flutter Newsletter | Fred Grott | Substack [] - 2023-11-06 05:19:34 - public:mzimmerm flutter, news - 2 | id:1485091 -
ELPA and Emacs Zine (September 2023) [] - 2023-10-20 05:40:22 - public:mzimmerm blog, emacs, news - 3 | id:1484931 -
Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow – No trackers, no ads. Black type, white background. Privacy policy: we don't collect or retain any data at all ever period. [] - 2023-10-07 17:14:25 - public:mzimmerm news, people.cory.doctorow - 2 | id:1484832 -
Flutter News at Flutter Stack Weekly at Canopas [] - 2023-09-16 15:30:56 - public:mzimmerm flutter, news - 2 | id:1484553 -
Liveblog: ++ Ukraine hofft auf Langstreckenraketen ++ | [] - 2023-08-01 10:16:57 - public:mzimmerm blog, german, news - 3 | id:1483710 -
Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive 2015 [] - 2023-07-23 21:04:05 - public:mzimmerm general, news, todo - 3 | id:1483658 -
Liveblog: ++ Selenskyj auf dem Weg nach Tschechien ++ | [] - 2023-07-06 18:32:40 - public:mzimmerm german, news, ukraine - 3 | id:1477341 -
Digital Edition (30.06.23) – Byline Times [] - 2023-07-03 20:07:25 - public:mzimmerm news - 1 | id:1473347 -
Semafor - A global news platform for breaking stories, analysis and video [] - 2023-06-26 20:51:23 - public:mzimmerm news - 1 | id:1461546 -
Ukraine News Premier Independent English-language Source — The New Voice of Ukraine [] - 2023-05-10 01:54:42 - public:mzimmerm news, ukraine - 2 | id:1420312 -
Project Syndicate - PS - The World's Opinion Page [] - 2023-04-03 19:34:04 - public:mzimmerm news - 1 | id:1385055 -