Effects Showroom - TerminalTextEffects Docs [https://chrisbuilds.github.io/terminaltexteffects/showroom/] - 2024-05-31 19:25:38 - public:xxx cool, effects, graphics, html, nice, terminal, text - 7 | id:1492223 -
Films - Blender Studio - Free movies [https://studio.blender.org/films/] - 2024-03-02 19:46:15 - public:xxx animation, blender, drawings, films, free, movies, nice, opensource, resources, to_watch, video, videos - 12 | id:1489736 -
Random Animations [https://bleuje.com/randomanimations/] - 2024-01-26 13:31:53 - public:xxx animation, cool, js, nice, random - 5 | id:1489386 -
The Most Unexpected Acoustic Guitar Performance | The Showhawk Duo | TEDxKlagenfurt - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIrkhJut4Ew&ab_channel=TEDxTalks] - 2023-12-02 19:58:47 - public:xxx acoustic, fun, guitar, music, nice, techno - 6 | id:1485439 -
CSS Generators: Ribbon Shapes [https://css-generators.com/ribbon-shapes/] - 2023-11-18 15:36:47 - public:xxx css, gadgets, nice, ribbon, text, webdesign, widget - 7 | id:1485203 -
Buttons.cool - The coolest buttons in town [https://www.buttons.cool/] - 2023-11-10 18:53:47 - public:xxx buttons, css, design, gadgets, html, nice, webdesign, webdev, widget - 9 | id:1485128 -
bleuje - nice animations [https://bleuje.com/] - 2023-02-04 15:57:01 - public:xxx animation, browser, demo, graphics, nice - 5 | id:1295011 -
Shadertoy BETA - 3d art and code [https://www.shadertoy.com/] - 2023-01-27 20:36:18 - public:xxx 3d, art, code, graphics, marketplace, nice, shaders, webgl - 8 | id:1294950 -
Living Worlds in HTML5 - nice 8 bit palette animation [http://www.effectgames.com/demos/worlds/] - 2022-05-21 18:00:27 - public:xxx 8bit, animation, art, drawings, nice, palette, pixelart - 7 | id:1116222 -
It Takes Two — Hazelight - a game to play together [https://www.hazelight.se/games/it-takes-two/] - 2022-04-03 11:51:39 - public:xxx games, multiplayer, nice - 3 | id:1064379 -
TypeIt - javascript library to look like someone is typing [https://www.typeitjs.com/] - 2022-02-20 13:03:09 - public:xxx javascript, js, library, nice, type - 5 | id:1027611 -
Ogene Sing “echoing“ - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjbfR9NtnNE] - 2022-01-29 18:53:52 - public:xxx acapela, dutch, echoing, nice, polyphonie, singing - 6 | id:1016245 -
Melancholy Beauties by the Artist Wataboku [https://designyoutrust.com/2021/12/melancholy-beauties-by-the-artist-wataboku/] - 2022-01-19 12:28:36 - public:xxx art, beautiful, drawings, nice, sad - 5 | id:986349 -
Pico.css • Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML [https://picocss.com/] - 2021-12-21 09:55:42 - public:xxx css, framework, html, lib, library, minimalism, nice, templates, webdesign, webdev - 10 | id:964524 -
Fold 'N Fly » Paper Airplane Folding Instructions [https://www.foldnfly.com/] - 2021-12-18 18:08:54 - public:xxx airplane, build, diy, folding, interesting, kids, nice, paper - 8 | id:964477 -
Miniature 3456 LED cube – Willem Pennings [https://willempennings.nl/miniature-3456-led-cube/] - 2021-12-18 18:05:55 - public:xxx build, cube, diy, geekcon, kids, leds, nice - 7 | id:964476 -
Townscaper [https://oskarstalberg.com/Townscaper/] - 2021-12-18 17:46:51 - public:xxx browser, build, city, funny, games, nice, online, town - 8 | id:964472 - Nice town building funny game
DoodleCSS [https://chr15m.github.io/DoodleCSS/] - 2021-12-17 22:51:18 - public:xxx css, drawings, graphics, html, library, nice, website - 7 | id:964466 - html css look and feel like hand drawn
Learn To Draw: Circle Line Art School [https://www.circlelineartschool.com/] - 2021-12-12 07:59:55 - public:xxx art, drawings, graphics, learn, nice, perspective - 6 | id:959202 -
ArtStation - Explore [https://www.artstation.com/] - 2021-11-12 09:03:01 - public:xxx art, beautiful, drawings, illustration, marketplace, nice, online, photos - 8 | id:958591 -
Xtend UI - Components [https://xtendui.com/components] - 2021-10-18 17:53:30 - public:xxx css, framework, graphics, html, javascript, js, library, nice, snippets, ui, ux - 11 | id:819786 -
Atropos - Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects [https://atroposjs.com/] - 2021-10-05 14:29:48 - public:xxx 3d, effects, graphics, javascript, js, library, nice, parallax - 8 | id:797644 -
soft question - Visually stunning math concepts which are easy to explain - Mathematics Stack Exchange [https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/733754/visually-stunning-math-concepts-which-are-easy-to-explain] - 2021-09-24 16:16:25 - public:xxx kids, learn, math, mathematics, nice, visualization - 6 | id:795078 -
Starback Demo - falling star website backround [https://zuramai.github.io/starback.js/] - 2021-09-16 13:10:55 - public:xxx background, falling, nice, stars, webdesign - 5 | id:793201 -
DiceBear Avatars [https://avatars.dicebear.com/] - 2021-09-15 14:33:13 - public:xxx avatar, generator, graphics, nice - 4 | id:788367 -
JS1024 Results - 2021 [https://js1024.fun/results/2021#26] - 2021-08-06 19:38:31 - public:xxx beautiful, code, gamedev, games, graphics, javascript, js, js13kgames, learn, nice, opensource, programming - 12 | id:744672 - Javascript online games competition 1K
Trackball Rotation using Quaternions • Computer Science and Machine Learning [https://www.xarg.org/2021/07/trackball-rotation-using-quaternions/] - 2021-07-24 13:59:00 - public:xxx cube, graphics, html, nice, webdesign - 5 | id:742114 -
Beautiful Background Animations & Illustrations [https://www.pixeltrue.com/scenic] - 2021-07-16 15:11:05 - public:xxx background, drawings, nice - 3 | id:741997 -
WindowSwap [https://www.window-swap.com/Window] - 2021-07-06 14:35:25 - public:xxx interesting, nice, random, view, webcam, window, worldwide - 7 | id:708377 - Random window around the world. Webcams
PINTR [https://javier.xyz/pintr/] - 2021-05-15 19:37:00 - public:xxx algorithms, canvas, converter, image, images, lines, nice, online, photos - 9 | id:684001 -
Gamedev.js Jam 2021: Web Monetization and Decentralized category winners [https://gamedevjs.com/jam/2021/category-winners/] - 2021-05-08 14:40:28 - public:xxx 2021, browser, games, html, html5, nice, online, winners - 8 | id:683907 -
Rough.js [https://roughjs.com/] - 2021-05-01 16:48:54 - public:xxx canvas, drawings, graphics, hand, html5, javascript, js, library, nice - 9 | id:683813 - Canvas for HTML5 hand drawing library
Subjects – Old Book Illustrations [https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/subjects/] - 2021-04-23 18:54:56 - public:xxx books, drawings, free, images, nice, resources, webdesign - 7 | id:683510 -
Top Pens of 2018 on CodePen [https://codepen.io/2018/popular/pens/#] - 2021-01-14 09:01:22 - public:xxx codepen, demo, graphics, html5, javascript, nice - 6 | id:485746 -
Highlights from Game Off 2020 - The GitHub Blog [https://github.blog/2020-12-23-highlights-from-game-off-2020/] - 2020-12-24 16:59:54 - public:xxx games, linux, nice, online - 4 | id:485266 -
Baller ToDo [https://ballertodo.com/] - 2020-11-13 16:15:32 - public:xxx app, copycat, list, nice, todo - 5 | id:436845 - A todo list on a priority map
tsParticles 1.18.0 released - DEV [https://dev.to/matteobruni/tsparticles-1-18-0-released-7gk] - 2020-10-15 09:11:42 - public:xxx design, javascript, js, library, nice, webdesign, webdev, widget - 8 | id:423973 - Nice particles affect
100,000 Stars [http://stars.chromeexperiments.com/] - 2020-10-09 16:36:06 - public:xxx nice, stars, universe, webgl - 4 | id:415627 -
Beautiful CSS 3D Transform Perspective Examples in 2020 | Polypane Browser for Developers [https://polypane.app/css-3d-transform-examples/] - 2020-10-06 12:52:37 - public:xxx 3d, cards, css, design, nice, snippets, webdesign, widget - 8 | id:415552 -
Learn to code online - Full-stack, DevOps, Security Engineering, Computer Science and more | codedamn [https://codedamn.com/] - 2020-09-29 11:34:26 - public:xxx code, copycat, kids, learn, nice, programming - 6 | id:415430 -
BGJar | Free svg background image generator for your websites [https://bgjar.com/] - 2020-09-19 16:00:19 - public:xxx background, design, downloads, nice, svg, web, webdesign - 7 | id:385035 -
ztext.js | 3D Typography for the Web [https://bennettfeely.com/ztext/] - 2020-08-29 14:32:34 - public:xxx 3d, font, javascript, js, library, nice, widget - 7 | id:375868 -
Radio Liberty by Núria [https://nuria.itch.io/radio-liberty] - 2020-08-29 14:29:53 - public:xxx browser, games, nice, nuria, online, pixelart, quest - 7 | id:375867 -
Four subtle Text-Effects to spice up your web-site - DEV [https://dev.to/akhilarjun/four-subtle-text-effects-to-spice-up-your-web-site-27e7] - 2020-08-20 11:15:18 - public:xxx cool, css, effects, nice, snippets, text, webdesign, widget - 8 | id:366354 -
Home | Pixel Jeff [https://jefflin276.wixsite.com/pixeljeff] - 2020-08-11 13:15:29 - public:xxx art, beautiful, drawings, interesting, nice, pixelart - 6 | id:363209 - Interesting pixel art drawings
Awesome Demos Roundup #15 | Codrops [https://tympanus.net/codrops/2020/04/19/awesome-demos-roundup-15/] - 2020-04-26 08:14:57 - public:xxx amazing, awesome, css, demo, html5, nice, sample, webdev, websites - 9 | id:309716 -
TacoSauceNinja - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt [https://www.deviantart.com/tacosauceninja] - 2020-04-22 08:08:13 - public:xxx art, awesome, beautiful, drawings, games, graphics, nice - 7 | id:309646 - Great drawing of art and computer games
MoreToggles.css [https://jnkkkk.github.io/MoreToggles.css/] - 2020-04-01 20:06:13 - public:xxx controls, css, library, nice, toggels, webdesign, webdev - 7 | id:290991 - Nice toggles controls in pure CSS
CSS { In Real Life } | Positioning Text Along a Path with CSS [https://css-irl.info/positioning-text-along-a-path-with-css/] - 2020-03-22 08:46:47 - public:xxx css, graphics, nice, positioning, text, webdev - 6 | id:290852 -
beeple (mike winkelmann) on Behance [https://www.behance.net/beeple] - 2020-03-18 11:18:10 - public:xxx art, beautiful, drawings, dystopian, interesting, nice - 6 | id:290807 - Dystopian beautiful art drawings