Tkinter assign button command in loop with lambda
I'm trying to create a few buttons (with a for) like so: def a(self, name): print name users = {"Test":"", "Test2":""} row = 1 for name in users: user_button = Tkinter.B...
I'm trying to create a few buttons (with a for) like so: def a(self, name): print name users = {"Test":"", "Test2":""} row = 1 for name in users: user_button = Tkinter.B...
What is the purpose of the self word in Python? I understand it refers to the specific object created from that class, but I can't see why it explicitly needs to be added to every function as a par...
Learn how to develop GUI applications using Python Tkinter package, In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create graphical interfaces by writing Python GUI examples, you'll learn how to create a label…
Improve Your Python: Python Classes and Object Oriented Programming
Website of Michael Foord. Python programming articles, projects and technical blog.
Any div can be centered - horizontally, vertically or both.
Looks like you can 'raytrace' images into existence with Racket. It's really an all purpose programming language but its focus seems to be on showing off with image tutorials.
Forum thread about Regex and which tools are available.
Python is one of my favorite programming languages. That being said, if you've ever had to deploy an application written in Python then you know just how painful it can be. Fortunately, there are some…
Python Patterns is a directory of Python snippets and examples. Follow @pythonpatterns on Twitter.
Since my update of Python 3.4 to 3.5 colorama does not recognize a Windows environment if launched from PowerShell. Running colored scripts from cmd.exe does still work. An explicit init(convert=tr...
Table of contents :toc Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully …
Sass (syntactically awesome stylesheets) is a style sheet language initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum. After its initial versions, Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein continued to extend Sass with SassScript, a simple scripting language used in Sass files.
Event-Durations as Margin Markers
An open source content management platform built using the Django framework.
When CivilizationTM IV (Firaxis Games, published by Take2) was announced, one of the most exciting features was that much of the scripting code will be in python, and the game data in XML. This tutorial attempts to teach you the basics of python programming that you could use with civIV.Of course, this tutorial is not limited to those who want to play a slow-paced turn-based strategy game. That is what it was written for, but is perfectly useful to any person with no programming knowledge at all, who wants to learn python. But what makes this tutorial unique, is that it is written for...
How can I list all files of a directory in Python and add them to a list?
How can I find all the files in a directory having the extension .txt in python?
Reportlab hello world with an image, bulleted list, and enumerated list. · GitHub
This tutorial goes over the mechanism of importing those packages - making extra functionality (maybe someone else's code) accessible to your code. Once we've covered the basics of importing, we'll talk about version conflicts and introduce a common tool used for avoiding such conflicts - the virtual environment.
Recently I needed the ability to use Reportlab’s flowables, but place them in fixed locations. Some of you are probably wondering why I would want to do that....
This page provides python code examples for The examples are extracted from open source python projects from GitHub.
Python Patterns is a directory of Python snippets and examples. Follow @pythonpatterns on Twitter.
LiteDB : LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store database in a single data file
Django 1.2 E-commerce: Generating PDF Reports from Python using ReportLab written by Jesse Legg: one of the many articles from Packt Publishing
I want to insert an image inside a frame. I found two ways to do this: drawImage(self, image, x, y, width=None, height=None, mask=None, preserveAspectRatio=False, anchor='c') Image(filename, width...
""Test-Driven Web Development with Python" aims to teach TDD for web programming. It uses a concrete example -- the development of a website, from scratch -- to explain the TDD metholology and how it applies to building web applications. It covers the Selenium browser-automation tool, unit testing, mocking, and interacting with Web technologies from the basics of static content, database integration, throught the inescapable JavaScript, and onto more advanced (and trendy) topics like NoSQL, websockets and Async programming."
Goto start of series Once upon a time there was a beautiful Windows programmer named Red Ridinghood.One day, Red’s supervisor told her that they were going to start building a new application…
"The Start Small, Finish Big Stay Finished FrameworkProjects with ambition start small but finish big and must stay finished. You need a Python web framework that supports your decisions, by artisans for artisans."
Fortunately, there are some pretty awesome open-source tools that can be used to package a Python program into a standalone binary executable that contains everything needed to run the application (i.e. Python interpreter, program code, libraries, data, etc.).
PyInstaller is a program that freezes (packages) Python programs into stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX. Its main advantages over similar tools are that PyInstaller works with Python 2.7 and 3.3—3.5, it builds smaller executables thanks to transparent compression, it is fully multi-platform, and use the OS support to load the dynamic libraries, thus ensuring full compatibility.
Various sorting algorithms visualisedInsertion // Selection // Bubble // Shell // Merge // Heap // Quick // Quick3
"Modular visual interface for GDB in Python.This comes as a standalone single-file .gdbinit which, among the other things, enables a configurable dashboard showing the most relevant information during the program execution."It looks pretty and interesting. Might be of use for Python fiddling eventually.
"Syntax highlighting enables Vim to show parts of the text in another font orcolor. Those parts can be specific keywords or text matching a pattern. Vimdoesn't parse the whole file (to keep it fast), so the highlighting has itslimitations. Lexical highlighting might be a better name, but since everybodycalls it syntax highlighting we'll stick with that."
"Global Regular Expression Print is a staple of every command-line user’s toolbox. As with find, it derives a lot of power from being combined with other tools and can increase your productivity significantly."
"Unlike every other programming language I've used before, Python does not have a switch or case statement. To get around this fact, we use dictionary mapping:"
Various scripts of various programming/scripting languages for the solving of the Levenshtein distance (String Distance). No Damerau.
"CodeThousands of free tutorials and online courses to help you learn software development from mobile devices to web applications and everything in between. Join our community to improve your coding skills and workflow. What would you like to learn?Learning GuidesOur extensive learning guides provide a deep dive into various types of software development. Improve your WordPress knowledge, learn Ruby or PHP, get started with Swift and iOS, and much more. Each learning guide will help you master a topic from start to finish. Begin one of our learning guides today and see where it takes you!"
Program a robot around the grid with this Python app.
PTVS - Python Tools for Visual Studio