Welcome to Linux command line for you and me! — Linux command line for you and me 0.1 documentation [https://lym.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html] - 2022-10-01 13:22:35 - public:xxx bash, book, cheatsheet, commandline, examples, linux, reference, terminal, tutorials - 9 | id:1286898 -
CSS · Bootstrap CSS · Bootstrap [https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/css/] - 2018-05-13 18:07:33 - public:xxx bootstrap, css, development, help, reference, webdev - 6 | id:82979 - Bootstrap, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
AWS SDK for PHP 3.x [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v3/api/] - 2017-09-24 19:01:36 - public:xxx amazon, aws, code, development, php, programming, reference, sdk - 8 | id:23249 - Amazon SDK reference for PHP
HTML Reference - A free guide to all HTML elements and attributes. [http://htmlreference.io/] - 2017-09-18 19:23:08 - public:xxx cheatsheet, code, html, programming, reference, webdev - 6 | id:23239 -
CSS Reference - A free visual guide to the most popular CSS properties [http://cssreference.io/] - 2017-01-10 23:12:43 - public:xxx css, css3, design, development, reference, tools, tricks, webdev - 8 | id:28 -
Awwwards | The CSS website Awards [http://www.awwwards.com/] - 2017-01-10 23:08:54 - public:xxx awards, blogs, copycat-design, css, design, gallery, reference, web, webdesign, webdev - 10 | id:30 -
OneLook Reverse Dictionary [http://www.onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml] - 2015-04-28 15:08:42 - public:xxx dictionary, english, reference, research, reverse, search, tools, writing - 8 | id:106 - write your definition and get ther relevant word
cplusplus.com - The C Resources Network [http://www.cplusplus.com/] - 2014-10-27 17:02:03 - public:xxx c/c++, c++, code, cplusplus, cpp, development, learn, programming, reference, tutorials - 10 | id:173 -
List of Chromium Command Line Switches « Peter Beverloo [http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/] - 2014-08-04 08:19:26 - public:xxx browser, chrome, chromium, command, commandline, flags, google, options, reference, switches - 10 | id:196 -
SVG Essentials - WikiContent [http://commons.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/SVG_Essentials] - 2014-06-17 20:23:56 - public:xxx ebook, free, graphics, online, programming, reference, svg, tutorials, web, wiki - 10 | id:209 -
HTML CHARACTER CODES [http://bohemianalps.com/tools/characters/] - 2013-11-20 20:41:22 - public:xxx character, code, coding, development, html, programming, reference, UTF8, web - 9 | id:246 -
6 Great Apps to View Disk Usage in Linux [http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-analyze-your-disk-usage-pattern-in-linux/] - 2013-11-10 11:34:22 - public:xxx apps, disk, hard-disk, howto, linux, reference, tools, ubuntu, usage - 9 | id:247 -
three.js - JavaScript 3D library [http://threejs.org/] - 2013-06-27 13:22:19 - public:xxx 3d, code, development, docs, html5, javascript, library, programming, reference, three.js, web, webgl - 12 | id:260 -
Git Reference [http://gitref.org/basic/] - 2013-02-17 16:06:32 - public:xxx cheatsheet, git, help, reference, svn - 5 | id:310 -
Mobile Web Application Best Practices [http://www.w3.org/TR/mwabp/] - 2012-01-08 13:00:50 - public:xxx bestpractices, design, development, html, html5, mobile, programming, reference, standards, w3c, web, webdesign - 12 | id:368 -
Structure of an installable bundle - MDN Docs [https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Bundles] - 2011-08-29 14:28:57 - public:xxx bundles, development, extension, firefox, package, programming, reference, web - 8 | id:423 -
Debian Linux apt-get package management cheat sheet [http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-debian-package-management-cheat-sheet.html] - 2011-08-23 11:49:42 - public:xxx apt-get, howto, linux, package, reference, tips, tutorials - 7 | id:428 -
XUL Reference - MDN Docs [https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL_Reference] - 2011-07-06 21:25:39 - public:xxx development, programming, reference, xul - 4 | id:458 -
Chrome URLs - MozillaZine Knowledge Base [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Chrome_URLs] - 2011-07-06 12:53:24 - public:xxx debugging, development, firefox, programming, reference, tips, xul - 7 | id:461 -
Talks » Andrei Zmievski [http://zmievski.org/talks/] - 2011-05-18 09:18:26 - public:xxx blogs, code, development, php, programming, reference - 6 | id:512 -
Titty City [http://tittaycitay.com/] - 2011-05-13 19:46:50 - public:xxx adults, blogs, girls, pictures, reference, sexy - 6 | id:514 -
Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility - MDC Doc Center [https://developer.mozilla.org/en/extension_versioning,_update_and_compatibility] - 2011-03-29 12:51:10 - public:xxx addon, code, development, docs, extension, firefox, programming, reference, update - 9 | id:547 -
The Current State of HTML5 Forms · Wufoo [http://wufoo.com/html5/] - 2011-03-22 10:09:59 - public:xxx browser, code, compatibility, development, forms, html, html5, programming, reference, web - 10 | id:550 -
CSS3 properties exposed | css3files.com [http://www.css3files.com/] - 2011-03-15 09:17:03 - public:xxx code, css, css3, development, html5, programming, reference, sample, webdesign - 9 | id:558 -
HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers [http://www.html5rocks.com/] - 2011-02-08 10:07:25 - public:xxx code, css, css3, development, google, html, html5, javascript, programming, reference, tutorials, web - 12 | id:575 -
Gecko DOM Reference - MDC Doc Center [https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko_DOM_Reference] - 2011-02-06 12:45:12 - public:xxx browser, code, development, document, DOM, firefox, javascript, mozilla, programming, reference, web - 11 | id:577 -
Main Page - Ubuntu Wiki [http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Main_Page] - 2010-11-12 22:20:19 - public:xxx debian, docs, faq, guide, guides, help, howto, install, linux, manual, opensource, os, reference, software, support, tips, tutorials, ubuntu, wiki - 19 | id:623 -
The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize | Nettuts+ [http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/the-30-css-selectors-you-must-memorize/] - 2010-11-05 18:18:07 - public:xxx cheatsheet, code, css, css3, development, html, html5, programming, reference, selectors, tips, tutorials - 12 | id:628 -
JavaScript Guide - MDC [https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Guide] - 2010-10-06 17:43:36 - public:xxx books, code, development, docs, guide, javascript, mozilla, programming, quickref, reference, tutorials, web - 12 | id:642 -
Comparison of platform virtual machines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_platform_virtual_machines] - 2010-09-15 08:20:05 - public:xxx cloud, comparison, linux, list, platform, reference, software, virtualization, vm - 9 | id:658 -
JScript Language Reference (Windows Scripting - JScript) [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yek4tbz0] - 2010-09-05 09:34:08 - public:xxx code, development, jscript, programming, reference, scripts, tutorials, wscript, wsh - 9 | id:670 -
Eloquent JavaScript -- interactive tutorial [http://eloquentjavascript.net/] - 2010-09-01 12:25:49 - public:xxx ajax, books, code, development, docs, ebook, education, free, guide, howto, javascript, learn, online, programming, reference, tutorials - 16 | id:674 -
Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck [http://joshduck.com/periodic-table.html] - 2010-08-22 17:55:00 - public:xxx cheatsheet, development, elements, html, html5, programming, reference, web, web2.0 - 9 | id:679 -
CSS3 Playground by Mike Plate [http://css3.mikeplate.com/] - 2010-08-10 18:13:23 - public:xxx css, css3, demo, design, development, experiments, generator, html5, javascript, online, programming, reference, tools, web - 14 | id:687 -
Google JavaScript Style Guide [http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javascriptguide.xml] - 2010-07-18 20:31:36 - public:xxx code, development, google, guide, javascript, performance, programming, reference, standards, style - 10 | id:701 -
Microsoft België & Luxemburg - MSDN - Styles and triggers in WPF [http://www.microsoft.com/belux/msdn/nl/community/columns/gillcleeren/wpf_stylesandtriggers.mspx] - 2010-07-08 19:30:34 - public:xxx .net, articles, c#, coding, development, msdn, programming, reference, style, triggers, tutorials, windows, wpf, xaml - 14 | id:702 -
Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources [http://www.smashingshare.com/2010/04/28/ultimate-collection-of-html5-and-css3-resources/] - 2010-05-01 20:07:32 - public:xxx articles, cheatsheet, collection, css, css3, design, development, html, html5, learn, programming, reference, resources, tutorials - 14 | id:734 -
Detecting HTML5 Features - Dive Into HTML5 [http://diveintohtml5.org/detect.html] - 2010-04-19 19:45:46 - public:xxx browser, canvas, coding, css, detect, development, features, geolocation, howto, html, html5, javascript, programming, reference, standards, tips, tutorials, web - 18 | id:746 -
Advanced Regular Expression Tips and Techniques | Nettuts+ [http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/advanced-regular-expression-tips-and-techniques/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nettuts+%28NETTUTS%29] - 2010-04-16 18:57:12 - public:xxx development, php, programming, reference, regex, tips - 6 | id:751 -
Walkthrough: Getting Started with WPF [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752299.aspx] - 2010-04-16 18:45:22 - public:xxx .net, c#, development, programming, reference, tutorials, wpf, xaml - 8 | id:752 -
20 Helpful jQuery Methods you Should be Using | Nettuts+ [http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/20-helpful-jquery-methods-you-should-be-using/] - 2010-04-10 19:08:14 - public:xxx ajax, articles, code, development, howto, javascript, jquery, json, programming, reference, resources, scripts, tips - 13 | id:758 -
XML-RPC wp « WordPress Codex [http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_wp] - 2010-04-07 09:33:29 - public:xxx api, blogs, development, docs, php, programming, reference, wordpress, wordpress_api - 9 | id:765 -
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries [http://en.highscore.de/cpp/boost/] - 2010-04-02 05:09:14 - public:xxx books, boost, c++, cpp, development, docs, free, guide, programming, reference, tutorials - 11 | id:771 -
QuicklyCode - Cheat Sheets and programming stuff [http://www.quicklycode.com/] - 2010-03-24 08:38:10 - public:xxx cheat, cheatsheet, code, css, development, programming, reference - 7 | id:776 -
10 sql tips to speed up your database [http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/10-sql-tips-to-speed-up-your-database] - 2010-03-09 10:14:23 - public:xxx cache, code, database, development, index, mysql, optimization, optimize, performance, programming, query, reference, sql, tutorials - 14 | id:783 -
10 Small Things You May Not Know About Javascript | samuli.hakoniemi.net [http://samuli.hakoniemi.net/10-small-things-you-may-not-know-about-javascript/] - 2010-03-03 08:07:32 - public:xxx development, hacks, javascript, programming, reference, tips - 6 | id:786 -
Khan Academy [http://www.khanacademy.org/] - 2010-02-26 14:34:26 - public:xxx education, finance, free, kids, learn, lectures, math, mathematics, online, physics, reference, resources, science, teaching, tutorials, video, videos - 17 | id:794 - הדגמות לניסויים ואיך עובדים דברים
15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers [http://air-purifier-reviewsite.com/blog/15-house-plants-you-can-use-as-air-purifiers/] - 2010-02-25 07:37:53 - public:xxx cool, gardening, home, house, nature, plants, reference - 7 | id:797 -
Super User [http://superuser.com/] - 2010-02-01 13:43:02 - public:xxx community, computer, development, forum, hardware, howto, linux, programming, q&a, questions, reference, resources, social, software, stackoverflow, support, sysadmin, tips, windows - 19 | id:827 -
Server Fault [http://serverfault.com/] - 2010-02-01 13:42:38 - public:xxx admin, apache, community, forum, hardware, howto, linux, q&a, questions, reference, server, social, stackoverflow, support, sysadmin, technology, tips, tools, troubleshooting, unix, web2.0, windows, work - 23 | id:828 -