donation sources [] - 2012-05-29 21:07:04 - public:time contributions, donations, rp2012 - 3 | id:2304 -
MTV's Aimee Allen, Ron Paul Anthem Music Video. w/ Lyrics - YouTube [] - 2012-05-18 04:37:16 - public:time music, political, RP2012, Video - 4 | id:2315 -
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules - Independent Voter Network [] - 2012-05-16 17:16:37 - public:time delegates, RNC, RP2012 - 3 | id:2317 - by definition the most unlikely to stray, but after being released, are free agents. In the case of Gov. Romney, the delegates are long time party or public officials or financial backers who are chosen to be delegates as a reward.
2012 Real Time Delegate Count Map [] - 2012-05-04 00:53:26 - public:time delegates, election, map, rp2012 - 4 | id:2325 - - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues [] - 2012-04-26 07:18:34 - public:time con, political, politics, pro, rp2012 - 5 | id:2332 -
NY Times bizarrely frames Ron Paul as poster boy of House nepotism [] - 2012-04-26 06:34:26 - public:time rp2012 - 1 | id:2333 -
2012 Republican Hard and Soft Count Delegate Summary [] - 2012-04-26 04:49:59 - public:time delegates, politics, rp2012 - 3 | id:2334 -
Ron Paul 2012: Can He Beat Mitt Romney Now That Newt Gingrich Is Bowing Out? - International Business Times [] - 2012-04-26 04:47:43 - public:time rp2012 - 1 | id:2335 -
Govt budget cuts [] - 2012-04-17 07:33:16 - public:time budget, government, ronpaul, rp2012 - 4 | id:2348 -