
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

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[https://wudpecker.io] - - public:wudpecker
AI, B2B, meeting, productivity, saas, Startup - 6 | id:1492772 -

Wudpecker is an AI-driven tool that revolutionizes the way you document and manage meetings. It works seamlessly with major platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams to record and transcribe meetings with ease. Wudpecker’s apps for Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS allow you to record meetings in any environment, offering maximum flexibility. Post-meeting, the AI generates transcriptions and notes tailored to your specific needs, whether for sales, project management, or team collaboration. It also synthesizes data from various meetings, providing insights that can inform your decisions. Wudpecker is available for free, with a trial period to explore its full range of features.

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