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[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/lssz9h/standalone_eshell_script/] - - public:mzimmerm
batch, eshell, eval, good, script - 5 | id:1294379 -

The only known way to run eshell script from shell (outside emacs). This starts emacs UI. Add --batch to run without UI. emacs --debug-init -q --eval “(progn (require 'em-script) (let ((eshell-rc-script \“/tmp/wtf.esh\“)) (eshell)))“

[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6238331/emacs-shell-scripts-how-to-put-initial-options-into-the-script#6259330] - - public:mzimmerm
emacs, eshell, good, script, shebang, shell - 6 | id:1294365 -

Use shebang + exec emacs --script to run emacs code as a shell script but also as emacs code, for example load-file #! /bin/sh “:“; exec emacs --no-site-file --script “$0“ -- “$@“ # -*-emacs-lisp-*- (print (+ 2 2))

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