Just Tweet It » THE Directory for Twitter Users [http://justtweetit.com/] - 2008-10-16 22:26:58 - public:ghiberti directory, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet, tools, twitter, web2.0 - 7 | id:282248 -
Web Theory: How the Social Graph could be implemented from a Browser [http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2007/10/28/web-theory-how-the-social-graph-could-be-implemented-from-a-browser/] - 2008-06-10 10:56:57 - public:ghiberti browser, future, Social, socialgraph, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet - 7 | id:282324 -
Explaining what the “Social Graph” is to your Executives [http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2007/11/10/what-is-social-graph-executives/] - 2008-06-10 10:47:00 - public:ghiberti social, socialgraph, socialmedia, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet, web2.0 - 7 | id:282325 -
Big Blue Embraces Social Media [http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_22/b4086056643442.htm?chan=magazine%20channel_special%20report] - 2008-05-23 15:43:38 - public:ghiberti enterprise2.0, ibm, socialmedia, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet, web2.0 - 7 | id:282355 -
How to Make Facebook Useful Again - ReadWriteWeb [http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/how_to_make_facebook_useful_again.php] - 2008-05-21 16:01:02 - public:ghiberti facebook, socialmedia, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet, tips, tools - 7 | id:282359 -
favotter [http://favotter.matope.com/en/] - 2008-05-18 22:47:45 - public:ghiberti mashup, social, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet, twitter, web2.0 - 7 | id:282370 -
Social Network Stats: Facebook, MySpace, Reunion (Jan, 2008) [http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2008/01/09/social-network-stats-facebook-myspace-reunion-jan-2008/] - 2008-05-15 07:49:34 - public:ghiberti facebook, myspace, socialnetworking, socialnetworks, statistics, swagged, sweettweet - 7 | id:282383 -
The Facebook Marketing Toolbox: 100 Tools and Tips to Tap the Facebook Customer Base - Inside CRM [http://www.insidecrm.com/features/facebook-marketing-toolbox-012308/] - 2008-05-06 12:24:45 - public:ghiberti business, facebook, marketing, socialmedia, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet - 7 | id:282413 -
The Impact of Facebook\'s Platform - ReadWriteWeb [http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/the_impact_of_facebooks_platform.php] - 2008-05-06 12:01:04 - public:ghiberti business, facebook, socialnetworking, socialnetworks, swagged, sweettweet, web2.0 - 7 | id:282415 -
End Of Speculation: The Real Twitter Usage Numbers [http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/04/29/end-of-speculation-the-real-twitter-usage-numbers/] - 2008-04-29 21:36:48 - public:ghiberti socialnetworking, Statistics, stats, swagged, sweettweet, techcrunch, twitter - 7 | id:282442 -
Summize Conversational Search [http://summize.com/] - 2008-04-29 21:34:57 - public:ghiberti search, socialnetworking, swagged, sweettweet, tools, twitter, web2.0 - 7 | id:282443 -
Anecdote: Social networks Archives [http://www.anecdote.com.au/archives/social_networks/] - 2008-04-28 22:25:11 - public:ghiberti sna, social, socialnetworking, socialnetworks, swagged, sweettweet - 6 | id:282447 -
‽ SES New York: Jason Calacanis WebProNews Videos: Videos from WebProNews.com [http://videos.webpronews.com/2008/03/20/ses-new-york-jason-calacanis/] - 2008-03-23 21:00:35 - public:ghiberti calacanis, google, mahalo, seo, socialnetworking, wikipedia - 6 | id:282538 - Always good to watch sometimes thoughts rather than simply read them.