Daniel Kunin [http://daniel-kunin.com/] - 2017-03-09 09:20:57 - public:lowly animation, math, statistics, visualization, web - 5 | id:178330 -
4. Calculating Probabilities: Taking Chances - Head First Statistics [Book] [https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/head-first-statistics/9780596527587/ch04.html] - 2016-12-19 10:10:05 - public:lowly courses, info, maths, statistics - 4 | id:178354 -
Conjoint Online [http://www.arnynet.com/indexcjo.php] - 2014-10-31 15:28:12 - public:lowly aca, analysis, business, conjoint, decision, marketing, statistics, tool - 8 | id:178834 -
Top 5 Browsers in France from Nov 2010 to Nov 2011 | StatCounter Global Stats [http://gs.statcounter.com/#browser-FR-monthly-201011-201111] - 2011-12-02 21:08:52 - public:lowly browser, os, statistics - 3 | id:179456 -
Data Mining Map [http://chem-eng.utoronto.ca/~datamining/dmc/data_mining_map.htm] - 2011-05-22 19:56:03 - public:lowly data, free, opensource, reference, resources, statistics, tutorial, visualization - 8 | id:179585 -
GOOD Transparencies Archive - a set on Flickr [http://www.flickr.com/photos/goodmagazine/sets/72157618896371005/detail/] - 2009-06-02 20:27:37 - public:lowly chart, data, graphics, infographics, statistics - 5 | id:179890 -
Welcome to verifiable.com [http://verifiable.com/] - 2009-04-18 19:22:46 - public:lowly analysis, analytics, charts, data, graphics, infographics, statistics, stats, visualization - 9 | id:179910 -
FiveThirtyEight.com: Electoral Projections Done Right [http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/] - 2008-10-16 19:09:38 - public:lowly 2008, charts, election, politics, polls, statistics, usa, visualization - 8 | id:179998 -
Baby Name Trends: NameTrends.net [http://nametrends.net/] - 2008-07-24 15:23:42 - public:lowly baby, fun, names, statistics, trends - 5 | id:180089 -
All of Inflation’s Little Parts - The New York Times [http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/05/03/business/20080403_SPENDING_GRAPHIC.html] - 2008-05-08 18:57:09 - public:lowly charts, economics, flash, inflation, infographics, money, statistics, visualization - 8 | id:180158 -
IFC SME - Resources [http://www.ifc.org/ifcext/sme.nsf/Content/Resources] - 2008-05-07 12:20:56 - public:lowly Business, research, statistics - 3 | id:180159 -
EUROPA - Eurostat - Home page [http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page?_pageid=1090,30070682,1090_33076576&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL] - 2008-05-07 07:58:20 - public:lowly data, europe, eurostat, research, resources, statistics - 6 | id:180160 -
Blog about Stats [http://blogstats.wordpress.com/] - 2008-05-07 07:48:50 - public:lowly statistics - 1 | id:180161 -
ChurchBodies.gif (GIF Image, 886x643 pixels) [http://www.bluegrassreport.org/ChurchBodies.gif] - 2008-01-18 17:05:00 - public:lowly charts, filetype:gif, map, maps, media:image, religion, statistics, visualization - 8 | id:180282 -
Increases in the National Debt Chart [http://www.lafn.org/politics/gvdc/Natl_Debt_Chart.html] - 2008-01-14 12:00:46 - public:lowly charts, economics, economy, history, money, politics, statistics, visualization - 8 | id:180289 -
Video Game Chartz - Nintendo - Sony - Microsoft - The Most Comprehensive Videogame Charts in the World [http://vgchartz.com/] - 2007-12-14 10:59:29 - public:lowly charts, data, games, nintendo, playstation, sales, statistics, trends, videogames, xbox - 10 | id:180322 -
usa-historical-debt-as-a-of-gdp-from-1929-w2.jpg (JPEG Image, 610x406 pixels) [http://www.intelligentguess.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/usa-historical-debt-as-a-of-gdp-from-1929-w2.jpg] - 2007-12-07 13:13:26 - public:lowly debt, economics, filetype:jpg, history, media:image, politics, statistics, usa, visualization - 9 | id:180326 -
a_history_of_home_values.png (PNG Image, 869x698 pixels) [http://www.investingintelligently.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/a_history_of_home_values.png] - 2007-12-07 13:06:32 - public:lowly charts, economics, economy, filetype:png, finance, house, housing, market, media:image, realestate, statistics, visualization - 12 | id:180327 -
Gapminder - Home [http://www.gapminder.org/] - 2007-09-28 13:59:03 - public:lowly data, economics, flash, graphics, information, statistics, visualization - 7 | id:180408 -
Tasty Data Goodies - Swivel [http://www.swivel.com/] - 2007-04-25 11:38:33 - public:lowly data, database, graphs, resources, statistics, visualization, web2.0 - 7 | id:180560 -