tag2find - better than searching | tag everything on your desktop [http://www.tag2find.com/] - 2017-03-25 18:55:56 - public:megatux software, tagging, tools, windows - 4 | id:226480 -
AksLab [http://www.akslab.com/tagsforall/] - 2017-03-25 18:05:25 - public:megatux software, tagging, tools, windows - 4 | id:226482 -
Elyse - An efficient tag-based file manager [http://silkwoodsoftware.com/] - 2017-03-25 18:03:16 - public:megatux software, tagging, tools, windows - 4 | id:226483 -
Favicon Generator for all platforms: iOS, Android, PC/Mac... [http://realfavicongenerator.net/] - 2016-08-27 16:19:03 - public:megatux favicon, generator, tools, webdesign - 4 | id:226486 -
ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost [https://ngrok.com/] - 2016-06-14 18:24:32 - public:megatux development, http, tools, tunnel - 4 | id:226490 -
Feed43 : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly [http://feed43.com/] - 2016-01-04 15:41:47 - public:megatux feed, online, parser, rss, tools - 5 | id:226499 -
PDFSplit! - Split PDF files online for free. [https://www.splitpdf.com/] - 2015-03-06 20:26:14 - public:megatux online, pdf, tools, webapps - 4 | id:226521 -
Uptime Robot [http://uptimerobot.com/] - 2014-02-05 14:27:37 - public:megatux free, monitoring, seo, tools, uptime, website - 6 | id:226537 -
Copying objects between two different amazon s3 accounts | samueladesoga [http://samueladesoga.wordpress.com/2013/02/27/copying-object-between-buckets-on-two-different-amazon-s3-account/] - 2013-10-02 20:20:35 - public:megatux amazon, automation, scripts, tools - 4 | id:226546 -
Supervisor: A Process Control System — supervisor 3.1a1-dev documentation [http://supervisord.org/] - 2013-09-20 12:40:48 - public:megatux daemon, monitoring, server, tools, unix - 5 | id:226550 - project
Best CSS Button Generator: Create CSS-only Buttons [http://www.bestcssbuttongenerator.com/] - 2013-08-06 17:16:28 - public:megatux css, design, generator, tools, webdev - 5 | id:226551 -
Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator - ColorZilla.com [http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/] - 2013-07-29 14:54:38 - public:megatux css, edit, online, tools, webdev - 5 | id:226552 - css gradient editor
Free Website Uptime Monitoring - Uptime Robot [http://www.uptimerobot.com/] - 2013-04-05 20:46:08 - public:megatux free, monitoring, server, service, tools, web - 6 | id:226564 -
Patternify | A CSS Pattern Generator [http://www.patternify.com/] - 2013-01-21 14:50:15 - public:megatux css, development, images, tools, webdev - 5 | id:226577 -
Home - Pencil Project [http://pencil.evolus.vn/] - 2012-11-15 15:08:58 - public:megatux multiplatform, prototyping, tools, utilities - 4 | id:226589 -
GraphicsMagick Image Processing System [http://www.graphicsmagick.org/] - 2012-09-14 17:47:31 - public:megatux converter, graphics, server, tools, utilities - 5 | id:226600 -
Debugger - Desarrolladores de Facebook [https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug] - 2012-05-31 16:13:20 - public:megatux debug, debugging, development, facebook, tools, webdev - 6 | id:226621 -
Pandoc - About pandoc [http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/] - 2012-03-05 16:47:10 - public:megatux converter, text, tools - 3 | id:226638 -
GitX (L) [http://gitx.laullon.com/] - 2012-03-05 13:13:53 - public:megatux frontend, git, mac, scm, tools - 5 | id:226639 -
git-cola: The highly caffeinated git GUI [http://git-cola.github.com/] - 2012-03-05 13:11:48 - public:megatux frontend, git, linux, portable, scm, tools, windows - 7 | id:226640 -
Pledgie — Helping you help others. [http://pledgie.com/] - 2012-03-01 19:23:42 - public:megatux funds, money, tools, website - 4 | id:226642 -
Etherpad Lite [http://willyou.typewith.me/] - 2012-02-28 13:38:27 - public:megatux editor, notes, sharing, tools, web2.0 - 5 | id:226644 -
sunkencity.org: flickredit [http://sunkencity.org/flickredit] - 2011-11-02 14:15:27 - public:megatux download, images, tools, utilities - 4 | id:226679 -
relevance/errbit - GitHub [https://github.com/relevance/errbit] - 2011-10-11 20:26:16 - public:megatux notifications, ruby, rubyonrails, tools, webdev - 5 | id:226688 -
Comment spam prevention for your blog - Akismet [http://akismet.com/] - 2011-10-11 20:20:35 - public:megatux spam, tools, webdev - 3 | id:226689 -
Introducing SelectorGadget: point and click CSS selectors [http://www.selectorgadget.com/] - 2011-09-01 13:05:17 - public:megatux browser, css, scraping, tools, webdev - 5 | id:226722 -
JSHint, A JavaScript Code Quality Tool [http://jshint.com/] - 2011-08-29 18:30:13 - public:megatux javascript, lint, quality, tools - 4 | id:226725 -
AnyEdit tools plugin for Eclipse [http://andrei.gmxhome.de/anyedit/index.html] - 2011-06-30 13:25:54 - public:megatux development, eclipse, editing, plugins, tools - 5 | id:226755 -
try ruby! (in your browser) [http://tryruby.org/] - 2011-06-23 12:39:33 - public:megatux learning, online, ruby, tools - 4 | id:226763 -
Meld : Home Page [http://meld.sourceforge.net/] - 2011-06-22 14:10:37 - public:megatux comparison, diff, linux, tools - 4 | id:226765 -
SourceGear | DiffMerge | overview [http://www.sourcegear.com/diffmerge/index.html] - 2011-06-22 14:06:48 - public:megatux comparison, diff, linux, multiplatform, tools, windows - 6 | id:226766 -
CSS Lint [http://csslint.net/] - 2011-06-21 14:58:03 - public:megatux css, online, tools, webdev - 4 | id:226768 -
Bundler: The best way to manage Ruby applications [http://gembundler.com/] - 2011-06-16 14:52:32 - public:megatux build, development, ruby, tools - 4 | id:226771 -
RVM: Ruby Version Manager - RVM Ruby Version Manager - Documentation [https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/] - 2011-06-15 13:29:59 - public:megatux ruby, tools, version-control - 3 | id:226774 -
UPX: the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables - Homepage [http://upx.sourceforge.net/] - 2011-06-15 13:06:57 - public:megatux binary, tools - 2 | id:226775 -
GVim Portable Home Page [http://portablegvim.sourceforge.net/] - 2011-06-15 13:04:26 - public:megatux development, editor, tools, windows - 4 | id:226776 -
Schemamule - Welcome to Schemamule [http://schemamule.sourceforge.net/index.html] - 2011-06-13 15:27:19 - public:megatux database, migration, tools, utils - 4 | id:226781 -
Tor Project: Anonymity Online [https://www.torproject.org/] - 2011-03-23 16:47:37 - public:megatux anonymity, online, tools - 3 | id:226796 -
Online javascript beautifier [http://jsbeautifier.org/] - 2011-03-23 14:06:29 - public:megatux code, development, javascript, online, tools - 5 | id:226797 -
osTicket:: Open Source Support Ticket System [http://osticket.com/] - 2010-12-29 19:23:26 - public:megatux issue, oss, system, ticketing, tools - 5 | id:226821 -
Google Java Developer Tools - Google Code [http://code.google.com/intl/es-ES/javadevtools/] - 2010-12-21 20:18:13 - public:megatux development, eclipse, gui, java, plugins, qa, tools - 7 | id:226823 -
Record skype calls and do more, all by PG Skype Recorder [http://www.powergramo.com/index.htm] - 2010-12-20 17:56:40 - public:megatux recorder, skype, sound, tools, windows - 5 | id:226826 -
evolve « intrinsarc – connecting architecture to implementation [http://www.intrinsarc.com/evolve] - 2010-12-02 13:02:11 - public:megatux components, design, development, java, tools - 5 | id:226840 -
Portecle: Home [http://portecle.sourceforge.net/] - 2010-11-08 13:51:35 - public:megatux certificate, cryptography, encryption, gui, java, keystore, keytool, management, opensource, security, software, tools - 12 | id:226860 -
MiniLyrics - Show lyrics in iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, etc. [http://www.crintsoft.com/index.htm] - 2010-11-03 16:18:41 - public:megatux audio, free, lyrics, multimedia, music, plugins, tools, windows - 8 | id:226862 -
Passing.tk - hyper web proxy [http://passing.tk/] - 2010-10-29 12:46:39 - public:megatux proxy, service, tools, web - 4 | id:226864 -
XWindows Dock 2.0.2. Simply the best Application Launcher ever! [http://xwdock.aqua-soft.org/] - 2010-10-22 17:37:03 - public:megatux applications, desktop, dock, launcher, software, tools, utilities, windows - 8 | id:226867 -
PDF Rider [http://pdfrider.codeplex.com/] - 2010-10-13 17:55:16 - public:megatux freeware, pdf, tools, utilities, windows - 5 | id:226869 -
Programmer's Notepad [http://www.pnotepad.org/] - 2010-10-13 17:53:34 - public:megatux applications, development, freeware, software, text, tools, windows - 7 | id:226870 -
imgSeek [http://www.imgseek.net/] - 2010-09-16 16:38:22 - public:megatux graphics, images, photography, photos, pictures, searchengine, tools - 7 | id:226878 -