Flameshot – Simple, powerful screenshot tool for all major operating systems | Hacker News [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26446070&utm_term=comment] - 2021-04-16 17:00:01 - public:aguynamedryan tool, ui - 2 | id:683413 -
Sorted CSS Colors [https://enes.in/sorted-colors/] - 2021-04-16 16:56:11 - public:aguynamedryan color, css, tool, ui - 4 | id:683409 -
Hotwire: Reactive Rails with no JavaScript? — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog [https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/hotwire-reactive-rails-with-no-javascript] - 2021-04-15 16:47:10 - public:aguynamedryan js, rails, ruby, ui - 4 | id:683388 -
HTML Over The Wire | Hotwire [https://hotwire.dev/] - 2021-01-09 05:51:31 - public:aguynamedryan js, rails, ruby, ui - 4 | id:485660 -
Tailwind CSS v2.0 – Tailwind CSS [https://blog.tailwindcss.com/tailwindcss-v2] - 2020-11-20 22:36:34 - public:aguynamedryan css, html, ui - 3 | id:438244 -
Welcome - StimulusReflex [https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/] - 2020-11-20 22:33:52 - public:aguynamedryan rails, ui - 2 | id:438243 -
Gradient Magic - Fantastic and Unique CSS Gradients [https://www.gradientmagic.com/] - 2020-08-21 15:08:17 - public:aguynamedryan try, ui - 2 | id:366384 -
Home | Laws of UX [https://lawsofux.com/] - 2020-08-07 19:17:31 - public:aguynamedryan ui - 1 | id:363177 -
unabridged/motion: Reactive frontend UI components for Rails in pure Ruby [https://github.com/unabridged/motion] - 2020-07-09 18:13:14 - public:aguynamedryan library, rails, ruby, ui - 4 | id:350976 -