GitHub Codespaces ยท GitHub [] - 2021-09-11 12:40:06 - public:xxx code, coding, environment, ide, programming, remote, visualstudio, vs - 8 | id:788331 - Remote Visual Studio VS working environment IDE
Visual Studio Online [] - 2019-11-06 10:54:22 - public:xxx development, ide, online, visualstudio - 4 | id:271289 -
VS.Php for Visual Studio | Jcx.Software Corp. [] - 2010-10-31 10:49:12 - public:xxx code, development, ide, microsoft, php, programming, visualstudio, web - 8 | id:634 -
Minor Upgrades (Windows) [] - 2009-12-10 17:29:14 - public:xxx development, programming, setup, visual_studio_setup, visualstudio - 5 | id:876 -
Major Upgrades (Windows) [] - 2009-12-10 17:28:50 - public:xxx development, installer, microsoft, msi, programming, setup, visual_studio_setup, visualstudio - 8 | id:877 -
WPF Tutorial [] - 2009-12-01 08:11:43 - public:xxx .NET, c#, code, development, graphics, gui, programming, tutorials, visualstudio, web, windows, wpf, xaml - 13 | id:905 -
WPF Tutorial [] - 2009-11-27 19:28:41 - public:xxx .NET, blogs, code, development, learn, microsoft, programming, tutorials, visualstudio, windows, wpf, xaml - 12 | id:907 -
.NET Framework Developer Center [] - 2009-11-27 19:27:55 - public:xxx .NET, c#, development, downloads, framework, microsoft, programming, software, visualstudio, windows - 10 | id:908 -
Windows Installer Deployment [] - 2009-05-26 20:53:19 - public:xxx development, howto, install, msdn, programming, setup, visualstudio, windows - 8 | id:1004 -
Visual Studio Setup - projects and custom actions [] - 2009-05-20 06:59:52 - public:xxx c++, development, howto, installation, installer, microsoft, msi, programming, setup, visualstudio, windows - 11 | id:1011 -
CodeProject: Visual Studio Windows Application Setup Project. Free source code and programming help [] - 2009-05-20 06:59:16 - public:xxx development, howto, installation, installer, programming, project, setup, tutorials, visualstudio, windows - 10 | id:1012 -