website where you can input user data - salary, expenses etc
Comparing Web components to frameworks.
program your own search engine
European alternatives for computing platforms
Most common: http: https: ftp: file: mailto: tel: sms: skype: data: irc: ... URI schemes should be registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), although non-registered schemes are used in practice.
Explains how the PWA “protocol_handlers“ manifest declaration is related to the (very similar) registerProtocolHandler
Open source (?) secure protocol for messangers and calls
Streamlit makes it easy for you to visualize, mutate, and share data. The API reference is organized by activity type, like displaying data or optimizing performance. Each section includes methods associated with the activity type, including examples.
Dart and Flutter evaluation but also Go comparison.
Allows to open and edit files on local system or Google drive in browser.
Web Block Protocol is an attempted standartization of semantics for web objects.
Describes how to run without 8080!