DRUIDS by Datadog - UI componenets [https://druids.datadoghq.com/] - 2022-10-01 14:37:49 - public:xxx components, css, ui, webcomponents, webdesign - 5 | id:1286899 -
noUiSlider - JavaScript Range Slider | Refreshless.com [https://refreshless.com/nouislider/] - 2020-12-10 09:36:03 - public:xxx javascript, js, library, slider, vanilla, webcomponents, webdesign, webdev, widget - 9 | id:466630 -
pwa-builder/pwa-install: Web Component from the PWABuilder team that brings an awesome “install“ experience to your Progressive Web App! [https://github.com/pwa-builder/pwa-install] - 2020-04-17 12:56:36 - public:xxx html5, install, javascript, js, library, pwa, webcomponents - 7 | id:293019 - PWA Install JS component library
itshackademic.com [http://itshackademic.com/] - 2014-11-24 09:58:57 - public:xxx copycat-design, event, itshackademic, polymer, programming, tools, tutorials, web, webcomponents, webdesign, webdev - 11 | id:151 -