ECMA-376 - Office Open XML - 1st Edition [] - 2020-10-08 11:40:03 - public:xxx document, documentation, docx, microsoft, msword, office, ooxml, specifications, word, xml - 10 | id:415592 -
atom.gen.php - A Simple PHP Atom Feed Generator [] - 2017-09-02 22:31:36 - public:xxx atom, code, library, php, programming, xml - 6 | id:1796 -
Free Tap3 C/C++ Tools - NRTRDE/TAP3 to XML Converter - TAP3 Dump - Indefinite Length to Definite Converter [] - 2012-02-22 13:38:46 - public:xxx c, c/c++, c++, code, development, library, xml - 7 | id:355 -
Welcome to the Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office [] - 2010-07-27 08:32:15 - public:xxx .net, 2007, api, automation, c#, development, document, excel, library, microsoft, office, ooxml, openxml, programming, sdk, word, xml - 17 | id:694 -
Download details: Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office [] - 2010-03-29 06:21:05 - public:xxx .net, controls, development, downloads, excel, format, microsoft, office, office2007, ooxml, openxml, programming, sdk, xml - 14 | id:774 -
jqGrid Demos [] - 2009-06-04 15:46:09 - public:xxx ajax, data, datagrid, demo, development, grid, javascript, jquery, php, programming, tutorials, ui, web, web2.0, xml - 15 | id:995 - DataGrip jQuery JavaScript json demo fro UI component
Use the YouTube API with PHP [] - 2009-05-14 16:34:44 - public:xxx api, development, google, guide, howto, php, programming, simplexml, tutorials, xml, youtube - 11 | id:1013 -
SIMILE | Timeline [] - 2008-01-19 12:42:35 - public:xxx ajax, code, css, design, development, javascript, library, programming, resources, tools, work, xml - 12 | id:1178 - widget for viewing time lines
W3C Open Source Software [] - 2006-12-24 18:56:20 - public:xxx html, linux, opensource, programming, software, source, tools, windows, work, xml - 10 | id:1276 -