XML Schema Tutorial - Part 1/5 - Defining Elements and Attributes [http://www.liquid-technologies.com/Tutorials/XmlSchemas/XsdTutorial_01.aspx] - 2013-01-09 17:21:32 - public:npranothi tutorial, XML, XSD - 3 | id:50197 -
xml parsing - Element 'programmeType' has both a 'type' attribute and a 'anonymous type' child. Only one of these is allowed for an element - Stack Overflow [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12908197/element-programmetype-has-both-a-type-attribute-and-a-anonymous-type-child] - 2013-01-09 17:21:07 - public:npranothi error, xml, xsd - 3 | id:50198 -
http://www.xmlforasp.net/CodeBank/System_Xml_Schema/BuildSchema/BuildXMLSchema.aspx [http://www.xmlforasp.net/CodeBank/System_Xml_Schema/BuildSchema/BuildXMLSchema.aspx] - 2011-03-08 09:01:11 - public:npranothi generator, xml, xsd - 3 | id:50265 -
Generate XSD from XML [http://www.dotkam.com/2008/05/28/generate-xsd-from-xml/] - 2011-03-08 08:50:58 - public:npranothi convert, xml, xsd - 3 | id:50266 -