
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing time's Bookmarks

[http://www.divorcecentral.com/legal/strategies.html] - - public:time
no-tag - 1 | id:3461 -

[http://huffduffer.com/] - - public:time
aggregator, collection, podcast, podcasts, tools - 5 | id:3462 -

Create your own podcast. 1. Find links to audio files on the Web. 2. Huffduff the links—add them to your podcast. 3. Subscribe to podcasts of other found sounds.

[http://www.mathscareers.org.uk/] - - public:time
math, mathematics - 2 | id:3477 -

The site is the responsibility of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, The London Mathematical Society and the Royal Statistical Society.

[http://www.ams.org/public-awareness] - - public:time
learning, math, mathematics, teaching - 4 | id:3478 -

The AMS Public Awareness Office works with the media, scientific societies, institutes, universities, and museums to promote awareness of mathematics and to publicize meetings, events, prizes, and AMS activities.

[http://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as.html] - - public:time
aim, linux, opensource, openvpn, sbc, vpn - 6 | id:3479 -

OpenVPN Access Server (OpenVPN-AS) is a set of installation and configuration tools that simplify the rapid deployment of a VPN remote access solution. It is based on the popular OpenVPN open-source software, making the deployed VPN immediately compatible with OpenVPN client software across multiple user platforms.

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